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    题名: 死亡壓縮與長壽風險之研究
    A Study of Mortality Compression and Longevity Risk
    作者: 謝佩文
    Hsieh, Pei Wen
    贡献者: 余清祥
    Hsieh, Pei Wen
    关键词: 死亡壓縮
    Mortality Compression
    Rectangularization of Survival Curve
    Computer Simulation
    Pure Premium
    日期: 2012
    上传时间: 2013-07-11 16:58:17 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 醫療技術的進步以及生活品質的提升,預計人類平均壽命將持續延長,以臺灣為例,男、女性平均壽命將從2011年的75.98歲、82.65歲,增加到2060年的82.0歲、88.0歲(資料來源:行政院經濟建設委員會2012年推估)。壽命延長意謂更長的退休生活,世界各國在21世紀均面對需求日殷的老年生活照顧,包括退休金制度以及老人醫療等,這些社會福利及保險勢必增加國家財務負擔,因此壽命是否繼續延長或存有極限成為大家關心的議題。近年來,不少研究透過死亡壓縮(Mortality Compression)連結壽命議題,亦即探討死亡年齡是否將集中至更窄的範圍,但因為資料及研究方法的限制,死亡壓縮是否成立仍無定論。
    本研究以統計方法、分配假設、資料品質,三個面向來探討死亡壓縮與延壽之間的關係。本研究提出三種數值優化方法:加權最小平方法(Weighted Least Squares;WLS)、非線性極值法(Nonlinear-Maximization;NM)及最大概似估計法(Maximal Likelihood Estimation;MLE),透過電腦模擬衡量方法優劣,與過去常見的方法比較(Kannisto的SD(M+)),探討何者具有較小的均方誤差(Mean Squared Error;MSE)。其次若死亡年齡之真實死亡分配為t分配時,探討以常態假設代入計算所產生的偏誤;最後則是套入各國實際死亡資料,使用上述較佳的估計方法,檢視死亡壓縮是否存在。
    Due to the advance in medical technology and the change of life style, the human life expectancy has been increasing since the end of the Second World War II and it is expected to continue the pace of increment. Longer life expectancy also means a longer life after retirement. People living in the 21st century are faced with growing demand for the retirement life, such as the pension funds and medical needs to the individuals, as well as the social welfare and insurance for the elderly to the government. Thus, the issue whether the lifespan has a limit receives a lot of attention. In particular, many studies focus on the topic of mortality compression, which means that the expectancy of lifespan has a limit and variance of lifespan converge. However, due to the availability of elderly data, there is still no consensus if the mortality compression is true.
    In this study, we propose estimation methods to estimate modal age and variance of the age-at-death. Three types of methods are involved: weighted least squares (WLS) method, nonlinear maximization (NM) method, and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method, and they are compared to the method proposed by Kannisto, namely SD(M+), in 2000. We found that the NM method has a smaller MSE, and we cannot decide the mortality compression is true based on the data from Human Mortality Database. We also applied the normality and t distribution assumption to the age-at-death and compute the pure premiums for annuity products. We found that normality distribution would produce larger premiums than using the empirical mortality rates. Similarity, the bankruptcy probability would be higher if the t distribution is used.
    參考文獻: 中文部分:

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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100358008
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文


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