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Title: | 國片閱聽眾之動機與滿意度研究 Audience for local-made films in Taiwan |
Authors: | 賴正翔 |
Contributors: | 陳清河 賴正翔 |
Keywords: | 閱聽人 Audience |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:41:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘 要
根據上述研究結果,本研究向國片業者提出建議,國片業者在策劃與開拍電影響,應針對學生、三十歲以下的主力族群,走向年輕化、更接近市場的核心;而國片觀眾中也有為數不少的大眾傳播行業與藝術行業的背景者,因此,也應就行銷角度,就這二類職業背景的閱聽眾,進行市場調查,以拍出符合他們動機與滿意度的國片。並搭配包括口碑、人際行銷,與其他的行銷工具,才能讓國片在市場上立足。 Thesis Abstract
This paper is mainly dealing with the subject on " Audience for local-made films in Taiwan" and trying to find out the reasons why people go to the local-made movies, and how they felt about the movies afterwards. Such study is approached in two ways—general questionnaire and in-depth interviews with individuals. After the general questionnaire, in-depth interviews with selected individuals from questionnaire results are proceeded.
This study indicates that most people go to a local-made movie once every six months. They often find the movies uninteresting and not worth watching, either. Moreover, the questionnaires reveal that even one goes to a local-made movie more frequently is not necessarily more satisfied . Such results imply the unpopularity and the unsuccessfulness of the local movie industry.
Although the general public is not quite satisfied with local-made movies, there is a specific group of moviegoers who are often more supportive and they go to a domestic movie at least once every other month.
This supporting group of domestic movies primarily consists of students majoring in mass media or arts. Most of them are under the age of thirty. They also have more thoughts and ideas about domestic movies.
In deeper investigations of this study, we generalize the following reasons why people dislike domestic movies: “an awarded movie is not necessarily worth watching,” “domestic movies are not relaxing enough,” “the plots are not easy to relate to,” “it’s disappointing,” “the sound effects and the pictures are not as attractive as foreign movies,” and “the picture is not well-filmed.”
Moviegoers suggest that the domestic movie directors to improve their directing skills, plots, and advertisement/propaganda. Furthermore, the training of the actors , the role of the government, and the innovative changes of domestic film industry are the main point of views from the interviewees.
In conclusion, analyzing all questionnaires and interviews , we suggest those who associate with domestic movie industry, in terms of filming and playwriting, aim at younger population, and those who associate with media and arts as well. In marketing, more surveys will help the movie associates understand the trends of the market and film better , and hopefully obtain a better reputation for local-made movies in Taiwan. |
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台北電影票房情報網 http://www.taipeibo.com/ 新聞局台灣電影網 http://tc.gio.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1 國家傳播通訊委員會網站資料 http://www.ncc.gov.tw/chinese/files/08020/557_5091_080201_1.doc |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 94941025 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094941025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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