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Title: | 關鍵查核事項未捕捉之風險: 以台灣財務報表舞弊公司為例 Risks Uncaptured by Key Audit Matters: Discussion on Fraudulent Financial Reporting Cases for TWSE Listed Companies |
Authors: | 江明翰 Chiang, Ming-Hang |
Contributors: | 林宛瑩 江明翰 Chiang, Ming-Hang |
Keywords: | 關鍵查核事項 關係人交易 企業信用風險 財務報表舞弊 Key Audit Matters Related Party Transactions Corporate Credit Risk Fraudulent Financial Reporting |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 14:32:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採個案研究及實證分析探討我國新式查核報告關鍵查核事項之未捕捉風險。本研究之個案蒐集為求資料可信度,僅收集12個投保中心於2016年後(含)至2021年3月31日前受理求償登記之財務報表不實公司,惟個案皆為國內重大經濟犯罪,且均為董事長犯案之公司。首先從個案研究得出關鍵查核事項難以捕捉之風險為關係人交易、隱形關係人交易以及資產、負債等實帳戶之存在性,且當董事長犯案會踰越公司之內部控制並導致公司治理失效。 接著以個案研究之結論發展實證研究假說,以企業信用風險指標作為衡量公司財務及營運風險之代理變數,分析關鍵查核事項未捕捉到的風險與公司之財務風險與營運風險之關聯性。實證研究結果顯示,關鍵查核事項未捕捉到的風險與公司之財務風險與營運風險呈正向關聯性。 Abstract This study explores the uncaptured risks of Key Audit Matters in Taiwan`s new audit report through case studies and empirical analysis. The cases collected in this study include 12 Fraudulent Financial Reporting Cases provided by TWSE Listed Companies over the period of 2016 to March 31, 2021. These cases are all major domestic economic crimes, and all of them were committed by the chairman of the corporate board. The case study leads to findings that the risks that are uncaptured by the Key Audit Matters are related party transactions, hidden related party transactions, and the existence of actual accounts of assets and liabilities. Furthernore, it is not uncommon to find that management overrides were associated with crime committed by the chairman which inturn lead to the failure of corporate governance. The findings of the case study were used to develop an empirical hypothesis that there is an association between the risks uncaptured by the Key Audit Matters and the financial and operational risk of the company, as proxied by TCRI credit risk index. The results of the empirical study indicate that the uncaptured risk by Key Audit Matters was positively correlated with the financial and operational risk of the company. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 108353040 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108353040 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100625 |
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