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Title: | 梅洛龐蒂哲學中的建制概念之考察 An Investigation into Merleau-Ponty`s Institution |
Authors: | 詹承學 Chan, Cheng Hsueh |
Contributors: | 黃冠閔 Huang, Kuan Min 詹承學 Chan, Cheng Hsueh |
Keywords: | 胡塞爾 梅洛龐蒂 建制 構成 現象學 Husserl Merleau-Ponty institution constitution phenomenology |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 10:58:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論文之貢獻在於探究莫里斯‧梅洛龐蒂(1908-1961)由愛蒙德‧胡塞爾(1859-1938)思想中所挪用的「建制」(Stiftung/ institution)概念與其發展。透過這份探究,我們的企圖首先是檢驗梅洛龐蒂與胡塞爾思想之間的關係;其次則是在梅洛龐蒂思想發展中重新定位建制概念。 著手於對胡塞爾文本的簡短檢視,我們將勾勒「構成」(Konstitution/ constitution)概念與「建制」概念的發展。前者頻繁地出現在胡塞爾整個哲學事業中,作為一個變動的概念來說明純粹意識的運作。後者則主要出現在其晚期工作中,作為恆存於歷史中理想意義的結構。接著,我們將討論在梅洛龐蒂54-55年間講課中的建制現象:生命、情感、藝術作品、知識建制以及公眾建制,以及他對於胡塞爾意識哲學與歷史黑格爾主義觀點的批評。最後,藉由比對兩位哲學家的思想,我們意圖在三個向度中證實梅洛龐蒂對於胡塞爾意識哲學的批評。此外,藉由追尋表達性這個介於早、晚期梅洛龐蒂的內在連結,我們將肯定建制思想作為其哲學中的拱心石。 梅洛龐蒂哲學的發展,一方面,遵循了胡塞爾對生活世界的回返;另一方面,又意圖超克胡塞爾觀念論中的內在限制。而建制概念,如同梅洛龐蒂將它視為是對於過去豐沛性的接受與一份未來的開啟,不僅提供了說明歷史的方法論基礎,亦同時證實自身為梅洛龐蒂告別意識哲學而朝向其新存有論路徑上的里程碑。 The present thesis is dedicated to an investigation into M. Merleau-Ponty’s (1908-1961) notion of “institution”, which he appropriated from E. Husserl’s (1859-1938) notion “Stiftung.” Through this investigation, we propose, firstly, to examine the relationship between Merleau-Ponty’s thinking and Husserl’s; secondly, to relocate the notion of institution in Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy enterprise. Starting from a brief inspection upon Husserl’s texts, we illustrate the development of the notion of “constitution” (Konstitution) as well as that of “institution.” The former appears frequently throughout his philosophy as an ever-changing notion to elaborate the function of pure consciousness; the latter mainly in his later work as the structure of ideal meanings which persist in history. Subsequently, we move to a discussion on institutional phenomena - institution of life, sentiment, artwork, knowledge and public institution - in Merleau-Ponty’s twin courses during 1954-1955, and also on the criticism he forged against philosophy of consciousness and the Hegelianism of history. Lastly, in light of contrasting their thinking, we validate Merleau-Ponty’s criticism against Husserl’s philosophy of consciousness in 3 dimensions. And additionally, by tracing expressivity as an implicit connexion between the earlier Merleau-Ponty and the later, we affirm institution as a keystone in his entire philosophy enterprise. Merleau-Ponty develops his philosophy, on one hand, by following Husserl’s return to “lifeworld” (Lebenswelt), and, on the other hand, with intent to surmount the inherent limitations of Husserl’s idealism. The notion of institution, as Merleau-Ponty conceives it as a reception of fecundity from the past and an opening to a future, not merely paves the way for methodological account of History, but proves itself to be a milestone of Merleau-Ponty’s departure from philosophy of consciousness unto his new ontology. |
Reference: | 壹、梅洛龐蒂著作與文獻:
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學系 100154001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100154001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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