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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/125534
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    Title: 共享單車企業的綠色閉環供應鏈模型設計
    A Green Closed-loop Supply Chain Model for Sharing Bicycle Enterprises
    Authors: 季意
    Ji, Yi
    Contributors: 林我聰
    Lin, Woo-Tsong
    Ji, Yi
    Keywords: 共享經濟
    sharing economy
    sharing bicycle
    green closed-loop supply chain
    multi-objective integer programming model
    profit maximization
    carbon minimization
    NSGA-II Algorithm
    Pareto solution set
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:45:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 共享經濟是源於實踐的全新經濟模式,當共享的理念慢慢深入人心,各種基於共享理念的商業模式紛紛出現,並顯示出強大的發展趨勢和潛力。共享單車作為共享經濟中備受矚目的一員,從誕生開始就伴隨著爭議,共享單車能夠解決城市交通“最後一公里”的問題,能夠促進資源合理分配推動環保出行,但在發展過程中卻造成很多意想不到的社會問題。本研究通過為共享單車企業設計適合的綠色閉環供應鏈來解決這些企業現存的種種問題。通過分析共享單車企業的模式與特點,建立出以最大化利潤以及最小化鏈上碳排放量為目標的多目標整數規劃模型,模型求解的部分使用NSGA-II演算法尋找模型的Pareto解集,通過求得的解集可以幫助共享單車企業妥善設計、建設和安排閉環供應鏈上的設施以及開啟狀況並能夠合理控制鏈上節點間的流量,以獲得系統利潤最大化且盡可能減少系統的碳排放。
    Sharing economy is a brand-new economic model which originates from practice. When the concept of sharing is deeply rooted in people`s mind, various business models based on sharing concept emerge one after another and show strong development trend and potential. As a member of the sharing economy, sharing bicycle has been controversial since its birth. Sharing bicycle can solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of urban traffic, and can promote the rational allocation of resources to promote environmental protection travel. But in the process of development, it has caused many unexpected social problems. In this paper, we design a green closed-loop supply chain for bicycle-sharing enterprises to solve the existing problems of these enterprises. A multi-objective integer programming model is established to maximize the profit and minimize the carbon emissions in the chain by analyzing the models and characteristics of bicycle-sharing enterprises The part of the solution of the model uses NSGA-II Algorithm to find the Pareto solution set of the model The solution set can help the bicycle-sharing enterprise to design, construct and arrange the facilities and the open status of the closed-loop supply chain and control the flow between the nodes To profit maximization the system and minimize the carbon footprint of the system.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106356042
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901020
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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