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    Title: 防制洗錢措施對國際金融業務之研究 -以M銀行為例
    A study on anti-money laundering measures for Offshore Banking Unit - Case study on M Bank
    Authors: 吳啟煌
    Wu, Chi-Huang
    Contributors: 張士傑
    Wu, Chi-Huang
    Keywords: 洗錢防制
    Anti-money laundering
    Offshore banking branch
    Tax saving
    International financial center
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:55:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國在1983年底發布國際金融業務條例,1984年6月中國國際商業銀行開始國際金融業務分行之營業,是台灣第一家成立OBU分行之銀行,台灣境外金融中心正式開始建立雛形。台灣是外貿依存度高的經濟體,在過去的幾十年當中,也是以中小企業為主要外銷動力,中小企業對外銷或產業佈局上最在意的是產銷過程中如何節稅,而國際金融業務的免稅及保密規定也造成我國中小企業設立OBU公司的一大主因。
    The promulgation of Taiwan’s Offshore Banking Act in 1983, followed by the launch of the first offshore banking unit in Taiwan, the Offshore Banking Branch of the International Commercial Bank of China (the predecessor of “Mega International Commercial Bank”, abbreviated “the Bank”) in June 1984, the prototype of Taiwan’s offshore finance system. Taiwan is highly dependent on foreign trade for its economic growth, and SMEs play a significant role on it for the past few decades. Since tax saving is one of SMEs’ most concerned issues, most Taiwanese SMEs set up OBU companies to take advantage of relevant tax exemption and confidentiality provided by Offshore Banking Act.
    Taiwan is the pioneer in Asia in terms of having past the Money Laundering Control Act in October 1996 and becoming a founding member of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (abbreviated “APG”) in February 1997. However, in August 2016, the Bank signed a Consent Order to resolve its New York branch’s violation of Anti-Money Laundering regulation of the United States, and many negative impacts would take place if Taiwan is listed on the “enhanced follow-up” or even “non-cooperative countries and territories” after the 3rd APG on-site mutual evaluation which was held in November 2018. Therefore, the competent authority requires the domestic banks re-examine the identities and give corresponding AML/CFT rating of all their OBU customers by the end of December 2017.
    Due to its risk-based principle, Anti-money laundering regulation helps the financial institutions identify and adopt appropriated approach, which effectively reduce the occurrence of AML/CFT risk; in the end, the process of fund transfer and cash flow becomes transparent. Though the relevant measures reduce the number of OBU customers, it strengthens the AML/CFT culture and regulation of Taiwanese financial institutions and results in better global competitiveness on the other hand. In spite of fee income decreases as the number of OBU customers reduces resulted from the much stricter relevant measures, deposit of OBU shows the tendency of increasing year by year. Accordingly, it is recommended to launch an international financial center in Kinmen County of Taiwan, to make it a platform to promote cross-boarder wealth management.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932137
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900713
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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