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    Title: 新古典現實主義視角下的俄德關係-以北溪線為例
    A Neoclassical Realist Perspective on Russo-German Relations: The Case of Nord Stream
    Authors: 李承諺
    Li, Cheng-Yen
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Li, Cheng-Yen
    Keywords: 新古典現實主義
    Neoclassical Realism
    Russo-German relations
    Ukraine crisis
    Nord Stream
    Energy cooperation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 14:00:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在透過新古典現實主義的理論探討俄羅斯與德國的關係,而德國是歐盟成員國中向俄羅斯進口最多天然氣的國家,雙方為了維持穩定的能源輸入與輸出,以及降低能源運輸成本,因此俄羅斯與德國簽署天然氣管道興建計畫-北溪線。
    The aim of this thesis is to look into the relationship between Russia and Germany via Neoclassical Realist theory. Germany has been the largest importer of Russian natural gas among the European Union member countries. In order to secure energy imports and exports and reduce transportation costs, the two countries initiated a project of offshore natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany named Nord Stream.
    While structural Realists could not explain the causes of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Neoclassical Realists comprehensively illuminated the factors in three aspects. Because of this, numerous scholars have started to study the theories and frameworks of Neoclassical Realism and analyzed the foreign policy of a country with the three aspects: International Politics, Internal Politics, and Leader Images. This thesis deals with Russo-German relations through these 3 indicators.
    This thesis focuses on the dynamics of energy cooperation between Russia and Germany. The Nord Stream Project includes Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2. Nord Stream 1 was completed in 2011, and the Ukraine crisis occurred during the construction of Nord Stream 2, which has caused much discussion whether the project would be implemented successfully. In this thesis, Russian and German views on the Ukraine crisis, pressure from world opinion Russia and Germany each were under, the opposite stands taken on the issue in the two countries, and their leaders` images are explored with Neoclassical Realism. The development of Nord Stream 2 is also discussed.
    Nord Stream is the most controversial natural gas pipeline project. Due to the clash of politics and economics, it has been fiercely opposed by the neighboring countries. This thesis also addresses how the president of Russia, Putin, and the prime minister of Germany, Merkel, have faced international pressures, the attention of their domestic political parties and media, as well as their positions and views on the project.
    Reference: 一、 中文文獻
    (一) 專書
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106263007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000555
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Russian Studies] Theses

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