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    Title: 亞洲阿爾法女性: 初探台灣年輕人對愛情劇中性別角色轉變之態度
    The alpha female in Asia: Exploring Taiwanese young adults’ attitudes towards changing gender roles depicted in romantic Taiwanese media
    Authors: 萬錦成
    Hurlbut, Hannah
    Contributors: 韓義興
    Han, Paul
    Hannah Hurlbut
    Keywords: 阿爾法女性
    Alpha female
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:29:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會中不斷提高的性別平等為女性在工作場所或家庭中的發展創造了機會。在本研究中,「阿爾法女性」一詞指不受傳統的性別角色約束,各方面都很優秀的新獨立女性。她們的能力和男性相同,甚至更出色,事業上卓有成就。隨著性別平等議題盛行,關於男性化和女性化改變與身分認同觀念越顯重要,但當今的定義和觀點主要源於西方。此外在傳播領域中,先前的研究探討了媒體人物關係如何為認同他們的人增加享樂感、欣賞評價和意義賦予(Hoffner and Cantor, 1985: Feshbach and Roe, 1968, Vorderer et al., 2004 ;Bartsch and Oliver,2010),以媒體為社會問題對話開起大門。

    Rising gender equality across society has created opportunities for women to advance personally and professionally, in the workplace or at home. Within this research, the term “alpha female” has been used to describe the role and domination some women now fulfill in their communities, rising to be leaders at the same level or even higher than their male counterparts. While the significance of this identity on changing ideas of masculinity and femininity has become more and more relevant as discussions on gender equality continue, the perspectives on this mainly stem from Western definitions and views. Within the realm of communication studies, previous research has also studied how the relationship to media characters can add enjoyment, appreciation, and meaning to those who identify with them (Hoffner and Cantor, 1985; Feshbach and Roe, 1968, Vorderer et al., 2004; Bartsch and Oliver, 2010), thus using media as a method to open up conversations about greater societal issues.

    This study sought to determine Taiwanese young adults’ attitudes towards changing gender roles in romantic relationships using Taiwanese drama clips depicting the “alpha female.” By conducting an experiment using quantitative surveys, gender indexes, and media exposure, this study provided insight into both Asian male and female perspectives on the “alpha female” identity, how much they enjoy, appreciate, and find meaning by seeing these kinds of relationship dynamics depicted on screen, and whether it impacts their overall attitude towards feminist views. In doing so, this research lays the foundations for future studies into cultural expectations on gender and how the change in gender identity and equality today affects young people navigating romance, work, and media in contemporary society.
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