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    Title: 不只是收藏品!非同質化代幣(NFT)究竟是曇花一現還是改變行銷規則的秘密武器?探究心理、社會和科技需求如何影響消費者態度和行爲
    Beyond collectibles, is non-fungible token (NFT) a passing fad or game changer for marketers? Examining the role of psychological, social, and technological needs in consumer attitudes and behaviors
    Authors: 楊佳欣
    Yang, Chia-Hsin
    Contributors: 張郁敏
    Chang, Yuh-Miin
    Yang, Chia-Hsin
    Keywords: 非同質化代幣
    Non-fungible Token
    Technology acceptance model
    Uses and gratification theory
    Psychological need
    Consumer attitude
    Consumer intention
    Consumer behavior
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:56:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著非同質化代幣(NFT)在市場上成為新興議題,品牌應改變對NFT的態度,不再僅視其為一次性行銷手法、吸引注意力的活動或是單純只是為了跟上流行而販售的產品。相反地,隨著後Cookies 時代來臨及NFT市場的開啟及演進,NFT行銷策略也需要及時調整,其中一種創新方法就是利用NFT空投蒐集消費者個人化數據資料以提升客戶參與度。品牌能透過NFT空投活動連結消費者的NFT錢包,取得錢包資訊分析消費者喜好,更能透過該連結創造持續與消費者溝通的機會。本研究旨在結合科技接受模型(Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989)、使用與滿足理論(Katz & Blumler, 1974)和NFT的符擔性,深入了解台灣Z世代和千禧世代對品牌NFT的內在需求、態度和意圖。我們通過便利和滾雪球抽樣方法進行了網路調查,並使用結構方程模型(SEM)分析了357份有效問卷,以評估提出的模型架構的適用性,並探索消費者需求、態度和對品牌NFT的意圖之間的關係。研究結果顯示,消費者對品牌NFT的內在需求包括個人創新、娛樂、自我展示、社群互動和使用靈活性。在這些需求中,娛樂和使用靈活性與品牌態度和產品態度呈正相關,社群互動需求僅與品牌態度呈正相關。此外,品牌態度與購買品牌NFT的意圖呈正相關,產品態度與獲取免費品牌NFT的意圖和購買品牌NFT的意圖呈正相關。本研究旨在以理論分析提供更深入的消費者洞察,並為行銷人員提供制定有效NFT行銷策略的寶貴建議。
    Brand should not view non-fungible tokens (NFTs) airdropping as a one-time marketing stunt or attention-grabbing campaign. Instead, it should be seen as an opportunity to enhance customer engagement. As the NFT market evolves, marketing strategies need to adapt swiftly, and one innovative approach is the utilization of NFT airdrops and launches. The objective of this research is to utilize the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis et al., 1989) and integrate it with the concept of the Uses and Gratification Theory (Katz & Blumler, 1974). The study seeks to gain insights into the NFT-affordance-based psychological needs, attitudes, and intentions of Taiwanese Generation Z and Millennial consumers toward branded NFTs. The online survey utilized convenience and snowball sampling methods, and a sample of 357 valid responses was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess the suitability of the proposed framework and explore the relationships between consumer needs, attitudes, and intentions toward branded NFTs. The results revealed that consumers` desire for branded NFTs encompasses five distinct needs: personal innovativeness, entertainment, self-presentation, community interaction, and access flexibility. Among these needs, entertainment and access flexibility were found to have a positive association with both brand attitude and branded NFT attitude. Community interaction need showed a positive association with brand attitude. Furthermore, brand attitude demonstrated a positive association with purchase intention, while branded NFT attitude showed positive associations with both purchase intention and receive free branded NFT intention. The objective of this study is to offer deeper insights into the context of branded NFTs and provide valuable suggestions for shaping effective NFT marketing strategies.
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