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Title: | 德法合作對歐洲整合發展之影響-以歐盟碳邊境調整機制為例 The Influence of Franco-German Cooperation on European Integration: A Case Study of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism |
Authors: | 周雅筠 Chou, Ya-Yung |
Contributors: | 李河清 Lee, Ho-Ching 周雅筠 Chou, Ya-Yung |
Keywords: | 德法合作 歐洲整合 歐盟碳邊境調整機制 嵌入式雙邊主義 艾麗榭條約 亞琛條約 Franco-German cooperation European integration EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism embedded bilateralism Élysée Treaty Aachen Treaty |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:32:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 德法作為歐洲聯盟會員國之中最具政治經濟實力的兩大強國,其對於歐洲整合的影響向來受到學界的關注與重視。本研究將以德法合作為核心,梳理德法合作如何形成,並以近來備受爭議的歐盟碳邊境調整機制為例,透過嵌入式雙邊主義的規制化政府間主義、象徵性行為與實踐,以及準公共基礎三項要素,分析德法兩國在簽訂《艾麗榭條約》、《亞琛條約》之後,如何透過既有協商機制達成雙邊共識,以及如何將此共識帶到歐盟談判場域,最終影響歐盟執委會通過碳邊境調整機制草案。
本研究結果顯示,嵌入式雙邊主義的規制化政府間主義、象徵性行為與實踐對於德法在形成歐盟碳邊境調整機制共識的過程中確實有重大影響,其中規制化政府間主義包括布拉埃桑會談、德法部長理事會、梅塞堡高峰會、梅塞堡氣候工作小組,而象徵性行為與實踐則有《梅塞堡宣言》、《土魯斯宣言》、《柏林宣言》與《歐盟綠色新政暨歐洲復甦計畫共同聲明》等,至於準公共基礎則因難以衡量而不具備解釋力。此外,德法在建立共識之後,確實運用兩國的影響力,透過設定議程、共識建立、聯盟締結與補償機制等方式在歐盟層級影響碳邊境調整機制政策形成。 Germany and France, as the two most influential countries among the member states of the European Union, have always been the focus of attention and importance in terms of European integration. This study aims to examine how French-German cooperation is formed and takes the controversial European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as an example to further analyze how Germany and France reach consensus through the bilateral mechanisms established after the signing of the Élysée Treaty and the Aachen Treaty through the three elements of embedded bilateralism, including regularized intergovernmentalism, symbolic acts and practices, and parapublic underpinnings. The study will also explore how Franco-German consensus is brought into the negotiation arena of the European Union and ultimately influences the European Commission`s adoption of the EU CBAM proposal. The findings of this study indicate that two elements of embedded bilateralism, regularized intergovernmentalism and symbolic acts and practices, indeed have a significant impact on the formation of Franco-German consensus on the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (EU CBAM). Mechanisms characterized by regularized intergovernmentalism are the Blaesheim Process, the Franco-German Ministerial Council, the Meseberg Summit, and the Meseberg Climate Working Group, while those defined by symbolic acts and practices encompass the Meseberg Declaration, the French-German Declaration of Toulouse, the Franco-German Declaration of Berlin, and the Common Statement on the European Green Deal and a European Recovery Plan. However, the parapublic infrastructure lacks explanatory power due to its difficulty in measurement. Furthermore, after establishing consensus, Germany and France effectively exercise their influence on shaping EU CBAM policy at the European Union level through agenda-setting, consensus-building, alliance formation, and compensation mechanism. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 110253014 |
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