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    Title: 立法委員之提案專注
    The Concentration of Legislators’ Proposals
    Authors: 曾筑翎
    Tseng, Chu-Ling
    Contributors: 盛杏湲
    Sheng, Shing-Yuan
    Tseng Chu-Ling
    Keywords: 提案專注
    Concentration of proposals
    Lgislative resources
    Legislative success
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:37:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文提出提案專注的概念,探討第七、八、九屆立法委員在所屬委員會提案專注的狀況,研究發現為:總體而言,三屆的立法委員提案專注都偏低。具體而言,若個人擔任第一主提案人,並提出十個提案,平均而言,不超過五個提案會送交所屬委員會。而相比第七屆立委,第八屆及第九屆立法委員的提案專注較高。此外,對個別委員而言,不分區立委相較於其他選區類型的立委有較高的提案專注;擔任委員會召集委員、具所屬委員會相關社會經歷背景、有多會期的所屬委員會資歷,則也將有較高的提案專注;若所屬委員會的議題平均有較高的媒體關注度,則委員也將有較高的提案專注,反之則較低;但若所屬委員會的議題媒體關注度低,但專業氛圍高,則立委也將有高的提案專注。另外,提案專注高的人更易獲得立法成功,因為提案專注一方面有助於個人知識的累積,而個人知識增加將讓個人更能夠有憑有據的說服委員會同僚;且另一方面,會選擇提案專注的立委,通常是因為對於該領域的議題較為關注,他們將更有動機推動立法,也因此更易獲得立法成功。
    This thesis introduces the concept of the concentration of legislators’ proposals. Explore the concentration of legislators’ proposals in the 7th, 8th, and 9th terms, specifically within their respective committees. We finding that, on the whole, legislators in these three terms exhibit a sightly low concentration of proposals. Specifically, when a legislator serves as the primary proposer and submits ten proposals, on average, less than five of these proposals are referred to their respective committees. However, compared to the 7th-term legislators, those in the 8th and 9th term demonstrate higher the concentration of legislators’ proposals.
    Furthermore, legislators those who elected from party list show higher concentration of proposals. As for legislative resource, legislators who are committee chair, possess relevant social and experiential backgrounds, and stay in the same committee for multiple legislative sessions also exhibit higher concentration of proposals. Moreover, legislators stay in the committee with high media attention tend to have higher level of concentration of proposals. However, legislators in committees with low media attention but high proportion of professional members also exhibit higher concentration of proposals.
    Additionally, legislators with higher concentration of proposals are more likely to achieve legislative success. This is attributed that proposal concentration help legislators accumulate legislative knowledge, formulate convincing arguments to persuade committee members. Furthermore, legislators who choose to focus on specific field of legislation are concerned about the issues in that domain, which motivates them to promote legislative proposals and consequently increases their chances of legislative success.
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