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    Title: 外籍家庭看護工之工作生活平衡經驗探究─休假作為一種選擇
    An Exploration of the Work-Life Balance Experience of Foreign Care Worker: Vacation as an Option
    Authors: 牛妡伃
    Niu, Hsin-Yu
    Contributors: 王明聖
    Wang, Ming-Sheng
    Niu, Hsin-Yu
    Keywords: 遷移照顧工作者
    migrant workers
    employers of foreign care workers
    work-life balance
    care work
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:21:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於外籍家庭看護工之工作場域為個人家戶,再加上其他不利的工作條件,使其工作與生活之間的界線變得模糊;此外,根據勞動部(2023)之勞動統計資訊顯示,截至2023年6月底,約57.7%之外籍家庭看護工為每月休假一次,而仍有39.4%為都不放假。是故,本研究旨在了解在少有休假與其工作生活界線模糊之情況下,外籍家庭看護工之工作生活平衡經驗為何?她們如何管理工作與生活之界線?而在此之下,休假扮演著何種角色,又對她們而言的意義為何?
    一、 針對雇主
    Because the work environment of foreign care workers is within individual households, combined with other precarious working conditions, the boundary between their work and life becomes blurred. Furthermore, according to labor statistics information from the Ministry of Labor(2023), as of the end of June 2023, approximately 57.7% of foreign care workers took a day off once a month, while 39.4% did not take any days off. Therefore, this study aims to understand foreign care workers’ work-life balance experiences under infrequent days off and blurred boundaries between work and life. How do they manage the boundaries between work and life? Moreover, what role does taking days off play, and what is its significance for them?
    This study uses a qualitative semi-structured in-depth interview method and adopts a paired research approach. Purposive and snowball sampling is used to select foreign care workers and their employers within the same household as research subjects. Six foreign care workers and three employers who hired these caregivers were interviewed. The findings of this study are as follows:
    Based on the findings of the study, the following research recommendations are proposed:
    1.For Employers:
    (1)Provide a supportive work environment with effective communication channels.
    (2)Ensure adequate rest or days off for foreign care workers.
    (3)Allow more decision-making and arrangement space for foreign care workers.
    (4)Share the workload appropriately with foreign care workers.
    2.For the Government:
    (1)Enhance measures to increase opportunities for days off: redesign the overtime pay system and days-off entitlements, provide more free rest areas for foreign care workers, and increase incentives and promote the use of respite services by employers.
    (2)Strengthen the promotion of psychological counseling channels for foreign care workers.
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