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    Title: 碳稅與稅收循環政策對脆弱家戶影響之研究
    The Impacts of the Carbon Tax and Revenue Recycling Policy on Vulnerable Households
    Authors: 許毓庭
    Hsu, Yu-Ting
    Contributors: 蕭代基
    Shaw, Dai-Gee
    Hsu, Yu-Ting
    Keywords: 環境稅制改革
    climate change
    revenue recycling policy
    lump-sum transfer
    carbon tax
    vulnerable households
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:38:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 氣候變遷已成為各國急迫處理的重大議題之一,我國亦無法置身事外,於2022年公布2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明,隨後為加速減碳行動,將溫管法修正並更名為《氣候變遷因應法》修正內容中除了包含2050淨零目標,亦涵蓋了我國預計於2024年實施的碳費制度相關條文,而我國國發會在2023年公布的公正轉型戰略行動計畫中,則將淨零轉型中可能使民生消費支出增加而使中低收入戶受到負面衝擊的議題列入因應目標之一。
    Previous research has mostly focused on the overall effects of implementing carbon pricing policies, such as emission reduction, GDP, and employment. However, there has been less focus on the impact on expenditures and incomes of different household types under carbon pricing. Therefore, this study uses the E3ME macro-econometric model to predict changes in the costs of various goods and household incomes after the imposition of a carbon tax. The analysis aims to understand how different carbon tax rates affect household spending and financial burdens.
      We use the Taiwan Family Income and Expenditure Survey to group households based on disposable income and applies carbon tax revenues in various proportions to assess the effect on income distribution. By analyzing household characteristics available in the survey, this essay identifies which types of households might face higher-than-average negative impacts under carbon tax implementation, thereby identifying vulnerable households in the net-zero transition.
      This essay finds that low-income households face greater negative impacts compared to higher-income households under carbon taxation. If 100% of the carbon tax revenue is returned equally, all income groups can achieve a net gain, effectively mitigating the impact on low-income groups. However, if only 50% of the carbon tax revenue is returned, all income groups experience a net loss, with low-income households bearing a higher burden.   Therefore, we further explored two redistribution methods targeting only middle and low-income households. It finds that targeting only middle and low-income households would require using just 17.91% and 18.33% of the carbon tax revenue in scenarios one and two, respectively, to offset the negative impacts on these households. Additionally, doubling the amount of redistribution would require using only 27.38% and 27.39% of the carbon tax revenue in scenarios one and two, respectively, to achieve a net gain for middle and low-income households.
      Finally, we analyze the characteristics of vulnerable households by examining all households and those in the lowest income bracket. For all households, those with elderly members, heads of households over 65, heads of households with an education level below elementary school, one-person family, couple family, grandfamily, and three-generation family bear higher expenditure burdens. When analyzing only the lowest income bracket, households with elderly members, heads of households over 65, heads of households with higher education levels (university or above), and core families bear higher burdens than the average for the entire income bracket.
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