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    Title: 第五代行動通訊精簡版驅動之工業物聯網應用導入與市場戰略意義 – 以智慧捷運系統與數位製造之蜂巢式物聯網為個案研究
    5G NR-Light Driven Industrial IoT Application Deployment and Market Strategy – A Case Study of Cellular IoT in Smart Metro Systems and Digital Manufacturing
    Authors: 李偉豪
    Lee, Wei-How
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Lee, Wei-How
    Keywords: 工業物聯網
    Industrial IOT
    5G NR Light RedCap
    Smart Metro Systems
    Digital Manufacturing
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:24:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 5G是第五代行動無線技術,起源於20世紀 80年代末的類比行動電話,技術的目標是隨時隨地提供連接上網路,能夠在更廣泛的範圍內運行頻段,支持更多物聯網應用,並支援分散式雲端與邊緣運算的功能。5G標準化工作分為兩個主要階段,第一階段2019年3月完成(Release-15),第二階段包括進一步的增強功能(Release-16)。隨著5G可用性在全球範圍內快速擴展,逐漸普及到企業終端應用,現在是為下一個版本奠定基礎的最佳時機,物聯網應用長期以來具有破碎性,對於不同的功能需求面差異甚大。3GPP Release-17制定RedCap (Reduce Capability)規範,目標是簡化高性能要求,並考慮成本與耗電的優化,5G NR Light (RedCap)設備旨在支援穿戴式裝置、智慧電網技術和工業無線感測器。5G開啟了工業 4.0等新應用場景,並將進一步向3GPP Release 18演進。本研究目的為分析討論:5G NR Light (RedCap)市場動態與發展、架構與應用場景、導入策略與挑戰、導入機會與成果分析,研究範疇在於企業在導入5G NR Light (Redcap) 用於不同終端垂直應用範圍。透過應用面案例的說明,進而體現其在市場戰略上的重要意義,不僅能促進企業數位轉型和提升市場佔有率透過技術普及與成本優化為垂直行業帶來靈活而高效的解決方案並構建完整5G技術生態鏈,這些市場戰略意義將有助於5G技術的普及,最終實現工業自動化和智能化的全面升級。
    5G is the fifth generation of mobile wireless technology, originating from analog mobile phones in the late 1980s. The goal of the technology is to provide internet connectivity anytime, anywhere. It can operate in a wider range of frequency bands, supporting more IoT applications, and supporting distributed cloud and edge computing functions. The standardization of 5G has been divided into two main phases. The first phase was completed in March 2019 (Release-15), and the second phase includes further enhancements (Release-16). With the rapid expansion of 5G availability globally, it is gradually spreading to enterprise end-use applications. Now is the best time to lay the foundation for the next version.
    IoT applications have long been fragmented, with significant differences in functional requirements. 3GPP Release-17 established the RedCap (Reduce Capability) specification to simplify high-performance requirements, considering cost and power optimization. 5G NR Light (RedCap) devices aim to support wearable devices, smart grid technology, and industrial wireless sensors. 5G has opened new application scenarios such as Industry 4.0 and will further evolve towards 3GPP Release 18. Currently.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss: 5G NR Light (RedCap) marketdynamics/development/architecture/application/scenarios/strategies/challenges/opportunities and outcome analysis. The research focuses on companies implementing 5G NR Light (RedCap) across various terminal vertical applications. Through practical application examples, the strategic significance of this technology in the market is demonstrated. It can not only promote digital transformation and improve market share for enterprises but also bring flexible and efficient solutions to vertical industries by making the technology accessible and optimizing costs, thereby building a comprehensive 5G ecosystem. These strategic implications will help accelerate the adoption of 5G technology, ultimately realizing comprehensive upgrades to industrial automation and intelligence.
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