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    Title: 日本媒體公司在台灣的未來與成長潛力之商業策略
    Business Strategies for the Future and Growth Potential of Japanese Media Companies in Taiwan
    Authors: 優太, 大野
    Ono, Yuta
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Jack Wu
    大野 優太
    Yuta Ono
    Keywords: 日本媒體公司
    智慧財產權 (IP)
    Japanese media companies
    Taiwan market
    intellectual property (IP)
    government support
    cross-cultural partnerships with local entities
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:37:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討日本媒體公司進軍台灣市場的策略與所面臨的挑戰。研究確定了關鍵的成功因素,例如在地化策略、與當地實體的有效合作以及對台灣文化和市場特徵的深入了解。分析多個案例研究表明,雖然日本強大的智慧財產權 (IP) 和高品質的媒體內容提供了競爭優勢,但永續的成功需要的不僅僅是這些資產。
    This paper examines the strategies and challenges faced by Japanese media companies in expanding into Taiwan's market. The study identifies key success factors, such as localization strategies, effective partnerships with local entities, and a deep understanding of Taiwanese culture and market characteristics. Analyzing multiple case studies reveals that while Japan's strong intellectual property (IP) and high-quality media content provide a competitive edge, sustainable success requires more than these assets alone.
    The paper highlights the role of localization not only in media content but also in talent management and business practices tailored to local consumer expectations. For example, Kadokawa's efforts in nurturing local creators and co-developing IP exemplify successful adaptation to the Taiwanese market.
    To maximize these opportunities, Japanese media companies must prioritize strengthening localization strategies, diversifying product offerings, and balancing digital and traditional media strategies. This approach would not only establish a strong presence in Taiwan but also serve as a gateway to broader Asian markets.
    Reference: Dictionary.com. (n.d.). Media. In Dictionary.com. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/media
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