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Title: | 電子連接器產業經營策略之研究-以個案公司為例 |
Authors: | 王世明 Wang , Hans |
Contributors: | 陳隆麒 吳政穎
王世明 Wang , Hans |
Keywords: | 個案公司 競爭策略 連接器 杜邦分析 魚骨圖 Connector Du Pont Analysis Fish Bone Figure Strategic Matrix Analysis National Competitive Model |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 14:42:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在針對電子連接器產業進行探索性研究,期能發現占據相當重要關鍵零組件地位的連接器,其產業態勢與競爭條件。本研究固然與傳統的研究方法相同,運用Aaker的策略分析架構進行探討,但亦頗多創新之處,譬如納進Porter的國家競爭力分析模型,討論產業與政府等因素間的相互依賴狀況,又納入司徒達賢的策略矩陣分析構面,討論個案公司與其他同業之間的競爭模型。本研究雖以個案公司為研究對象,但旁及其他競爭性公司共同討論,以了解個案公司的產業定位與遭遇的挑戰。 This study is exploring the advantage of competition in Connector industry. It adopted Aaker’s model, which designed by strategic method to depict a SWOT to overall analysis of connector industry as well as Case Study Company. The main contribution is to offer a position within industry where has a vital network can help others to sustain the strong power. However, the environment is not as good as past, the trend will bring a move to mainland China, and the new competitors will appear, the Industry ought to encounter more challenge than have been met in Taiwan. This study has some characters involve in the National competitive model and the strategic matrix analysis method from Dr. Seeto. There are many persons were called on to the Case interview, However, only certain firms would be selected as delegation out of this industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 89932079 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089932079 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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