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Title: | 論「兩公約」之勞動基本權規範與實踐:從國際勞動法的觀點反思「兩公約」之批准以及對我國集體勞動關係之影響 |
Authors: | 林良榮 |
Contributors: | 法學院 |
Keywords: | 勞動法,國際勞動法,ILO國際勞工公約,國際勞工建議書,公民與政治權利國際公約,經濟社會文化權利國際公約,集體勞動關係,勞動基本權 Labor Law,International Labor Law,International Labor Convention,International labor Recommendation,International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,InternationalCovenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rightsl,collective labor relation,basic right of Workers |
Date: | 2010.03 |
Issue Date: | 2014-05-23 18:17:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從當代國際人權發展史的角度來看,與「世界人權宣言」共同被視為「國際人權憲章」的「公民與政治權利國際公約(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)」及「經濟社會文化權利國際公約(International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights)」,乃是本世紀人權發展的重要里程碑。我國立法院於2009年3月31日完成「兩公約施行法」三讀程序,並於98年4月22日由總統公布實施。從國際人權法的發展歷史觀之,這兩個公約所涵蓋的權利保護範圍甚廣,不但是當代人類國際社會基本人權保障的指標,其中諸多條文規範更是直指勞動者/社會弱勢者之權利保障。例如有關集體勞動關係的保護,包括「公民權利和政治權利國際公約」第二十二條,以及「經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約」第八條等。這兩個國際公約所定之人權保護規範如從國際勞動法的發展來看,在一定的程度上承接並呼應國際勞工組織(ILO)歷年來對於集體勞動人權保護的意義脈絡,同時也進一步證實與明確化該等人權規範的重要性地位與內國法律化的必要性。此外,近年我國已陸續進行勞動三法之修法審查工作,包括團體協約法、勞資爭議處理法與工會法等皆已通過立法院三讀,並預定此之(集體)勞動三法於2011年5月始一體實施。對此,本文對照於上述該兩公約所定之集體勞動人權規範內涵與立約精神,以此檢驗我國現行勞動法制中集體勞動關係中勞動基本權的保障現況,並提出未來新勞動三法之實施後政府應有之具體政策。 Through the historical development of international human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights along with International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights are considered as the constitution of international human rights. They are the important milestones of the development of human rights. The policy for execution of these two covenants was passed by The Legislative Yuan in Taiwan after the third reading on March 31, 2009 and announced by the President on April 22, 2009. Based on the review of historical development of international civil rights, these two covenants have a broad coverage on issues of protection. They are not only the guidelines for protecting basic international human rights in the modern society, but many of their rules and regulations are directly related to protecting the rights of labors and minority. For examples, both Rule 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Rule 8 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are about the protection of collective labor relationship. The protective regulations covered by these two covenants directly follow and echo the essence of collective labor-right protection promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) throughout the years. These regulations clarify the important role of the human rights and the needs for legalizing the protective law. Recently, the Taiwanese government has revised and examined the Labor Law III, including the ratification of collective bargaining agreement, conflict resolution in labor issues, and union law. All of the aforementioned revisions have been passed after the third reading and will be implemented in May of 2011. In this article, the author will examine the current protective condition of labor rights under the collective labor relationship by referring the contents and essence of collective labor rights listed in those two international covenants. In addition, practical strategies that should be carried out by the government after the establishment of the Labor Law III are recommended. |
Relation: | 臺灣國際法季刊, 7(4), p47-85 |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [法律學系] 期刊論文
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