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    政大機構典藏 > 學術期刊 > 政大史粹 > 期刊論文 >  Item 140.119/137982

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    题名: 現代中國軍醫的起源:清末新式陸軍的軍醫
    The Origin of China`s Modern Military Medicine: The Establishment of Military Medical System in the Late Qing`s Army
    作者: 張以諾
    Chang, Yi-Nou
    贡献者: 政大史粹
    关键词: 清末 ;新軍 ;軍醫 ;軍醫體系 ;現代化 
    Late Qing ;Army ;Medical Doctor ;Military Medical System ;Modernization
    日期: 2020-09
    上传时间: 2021-11-22 15:19:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 中國自古以來便有以傳統醫學為主體的軍醫,然而真正現代化且成體系的軍醫建設,要到甲午戰爭後方在袁世凱的主導下正式展開。在體制方面,學習西方現代軍醫制度,建立了戰時的軍醫院分級體制。硬體設備方面,試圖全面引入整套西式的藥品和外科器械。人才方面,在袁世凱的倡導下,北洋各鎮首先建立了專門培育軍醫的北洋軍醫學堂,爾後直屬中央,改為陸軍軍醫學堂。其它各省也群起效尤,建立了如四川軍醫學堂等幾所省級軍醫院校,朝培養現代軍醫人才的目標努力建設。然而面對現實狀況的挑戰,原本意圖「全面西化」的軍醫出現了若干權宜應對方式。硬體方面,雖然外科仍以西醫為主,但在經費限制下,考量藥品成本過高,內科改以中醫為主。人才方面,由於培育速度遠不及擴軍所需,在軍醫學校合格畢業生足以供應全國部隊所需之前,先自民間招募中醫師進入軍醫體系任職,以弭補人數上的不足,使得清末新軍的軍醫整體而言呈現「中西合璧」的現象。軍方對於軍醫的規劃,顯示了清廷對建立現代化軍事醫療體制的企圖與決心。雖然一直到清朝滅亡,軍方高層所期盼的西化醫療體系雖未能完全實現,但確實開啟了中國現代軍醫的建設之路,並得到了部分成果。
    China has its long tradition of serving military doctor in the army. However, not until First Sino-Japanese War did China begin to establish its modern military medical system. Under the supervision of Yuan Shi-kai, Chinese army managed to introduce the most advanced modern military medical system from Western countries, including setting up war-time casualty-service system, bringing in modern medical instruments, and founding its own military medical education system. By the support of Yuan Shi-kai, the military medical education institutes were established. Divisions of Beiyang first set up the Beiyang Military Medical Academy, which soon became "Military Medical Academy of Army" directly supervised by the Qing government. This action had encouraged other provinces and speeded up their step to found their own provincial military medical academies in order to cultivate military doctors. The initially planned "completely westernized" military medicine system, however, came to an expediency while facing the harsh practical situation. For one thing, although surgery remain its western style, the essence of its internal medicine later turned back to the style of traditional Chinese medicine due to the shortage of budgets. For another, since the number of graduates from military medical academy couldn`t fit the urgent need for the rapid expansion of army, the high command of Chinese army decided to recruit traditional Chinese doctors to solve this problem. Consequently, the modern military medicine of Qing army showed its blend feature as a combination of Chinese and Western elements. The Qing Armies` efforts in organizing its military medical system had definitely shown the strong determination of making its way to modernization. Despite the fact that the whole construction had not been totally accomplished even until the fall of Qing dynasty, it really opened the way toward modernization for China`s military medical system.
    關聯: 政大史粹, 35, 41-85
    数据类型: article
    DOI 連結: https://doi.org/10.30384/CHNCCU.202009_(35).0003
    DOI: 10.30384/CHNCCU.202009_(35).0003
    显示于类别:[政大史粹] 期刊論文


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