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    题名: 勞動派遣制度爭議之研究-以各國比較暨我國法制建構為中心-
    Research of labor dispatch system Dispute-Comparison of countries and legal system construction to the Center in Taiwan-
    作者: 林志遠
    贡献者: 張昌吉
    关键词: 勞動派遣
    Labor dispatch
    Atypical employment
    Labour market
    日期: 2010
    上传时间: 2010-12-08 02:01:33 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 經濟發展是各國無不竭盡心思的政策工作,但不論政策如何制定,人力配置都是至為重要,唯各行各業越分越細,各領域的知能亦日專業,勞動力的調度上,勞動力的調度上勢將益加靈活彈性,外包、派遣等新型態的非典型勞動出現,更使得就業市場多樣化,只是近年來在經濟活動的震盪下,派遣勞動力與其爭議之問題亦同時伴隨著增加,因此如何在政策與法制上找出解決勞動派遣所產生之爭議,是為本文之重點。
    Economic development is there to do all the policy work of the mind. Regardless of whether the formulation of policy, staffing is important. But the industry is divided into smaller. All fields of knowledge are more and more professional. Workforce scheduling on potential flexibility will benefit plus. Outsourcing、 dispatch and other new atypical labour, appear more makes job market diversification. But in recent years in the economic activities of turbulence by, contributing labor and dispatch of controversial issue will also be accompanied by an increase. So how in the policy and the legal system to find solutions to labor dispatch of dispute arising is the focus of this article.
    This article first discusses labor dispatch of definition and classification. Learn about labor dispatch framework, then the analysis of national which in labor dispatch system in the development of different models. Then proposed my comparative analysis of these views as Taiwan facing labor dispatch policies example. Finally, in accordance with the Taiwan to send the latest policy draft amendments to the labor standards law wants to send it will be included in the chapter. Analyze their effectiveness to improve the dispatch of the dispute and propose a review and recommendations.
    參考文獻: 中文文獻
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096262017
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[勞工研究所] 學位論文


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