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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 廣告學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/84938
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    Title: 「全球化廣告」的接收分析–影響閱聽人解讀型態之因素研究
    Reception Analysis of Global Advertising–A Study of The Factors of Influencing The Audience`s Interpretation Patterns
    Authors: 謝炫達
    Hsieh, Hsuan-Ta
    Contributors: 祝鳳岡
    Chu, Fong–Kang
    Hsieh, Hsuan-Ta
    Keywords: 全球化廣告
    Global advertising
    Reception analysis
    Interpretation pattern
    Personality trait of openness
    Date: 2001
    Issue Date: 2016-04-15 16:02:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業全球化趨勢的日亦普遍,致使全球化的行銷成為必須。廣告為行銷不可或缺的一環,因此,廣告的全球化勢在必行。近年來,全球化企業在台灣使用「全球化廣告」的情況愈來愈頻繁,無論其所使用的全球化廣告類型為何,閱聽人對這些全球化廣告的看法才是最重要的。
    With more and more global corporation widespread in the world﹐global marketing becomes necessary. Advertising is an essential part of marketing﹐therefore﹐the globalization of advertising have to be imperative. In recent years﹐the situation of global corporation in Taiwan uses global advertising becoming universal﹐no matter what type of global advertising they used﹐the most important thing is the viewpoint of audience.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001127
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