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    Title: 代工業者發展與推動自有品牌之研究
    Transforming from OEM and ODM Models to OBM Models
    Authors: 劉恕偉
    Liu, Su-Wei
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yu, Chwo-Ming
    Peng, Tzu-Ju

    Liu, Su-Wei
    Keywords: 代工
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:30:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 代工業者的主要能力是設計與製造,如選擇發展自有品牌,其實並非原有能力之升級,而是代表選擇不同的經營模式,需要發展不同的資源與能力。本研究主要目的是探討代工業者如何推動自有品牌,主要議題包含:發展自有品牌之經營模式應要考慮哪些重點,需要發展哪些能力,這些能力應如何培養,如何在維繫代工客戶關係之下制定品牌發展策略,如何落實品牌策略並持續提升品牌能力。

    When firms transform from pursuing OEM or ODM models to creating their own brands, they are not only purely upgrading their capabilities in design and manufacturing but also developing different types of resources and capabilities.
    The main purpose of this research is to investigate how OEM or ODM firms promote their own brands and the main issues addressed are: what are the important issues to consider when developing their own brands? What capabilities should firms possess and how to cultivate them? How do firms develop branding strategies while maintaining relationships with OEM/ODM clients? And how do firms implement branding development strategies and continuously building brand capabilities?
    This research uses case study methodology, conducted towards the performance of four Taiwanese firms with a certain business scale. The research result shows that the leader`s ambition is a key factor in determining brand development. The brand’s ambition comes from the leader’s ideology, expectations, or pressure. Brand ambition influences the allocation of related resources while promoting the brand, which then affects the development of brand capabilities.
    Although in the early stages, brand development mainly relies on the resources and capabilities of OEM or ODM itself, the relationship with OEM/ODM clients can weaken brand ambition. Under this contradicting situation, brands can adopt market positioning and market entry strategies that are different from their clients’ in order to avoid conflicts and continuously building brand capabilities.
    In terms of brand strategy implementation, the products and channel operations should be the main focus. Information from the channels such as market conditions and marketing results, is an important basis for revising the brand strategies. Through continuous implementation, feedback, and adjustments, the objective of continuously improving brand performance can be achieved. In addition to the research findings and implications, this research also compiles a complete construct of brand developments for ODM or OEM firms who intend on developing their own brands to reference.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105355503
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000511
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