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    題名: 女性夜間工作之探討
    A study on women’s night work
    作者: 吳淑恩
    Wu, Shu-En
    貢獻者: 劉梅君
    Mei-Chun Liu
    Wu, Shu-En
    關鍵詞: 夜間工作
    Night work
    J. Y. Interpretation No. 807
    Labor Standards Act Article 49
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-03-01 14:14:09 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 鑒於勞動基準法第49條禁止女性夜間工作之規範於110年8月20日遭大法官釋字第807號宣告因違反憲法保障性別平等之意旨而失效,各界對於勞動基準法第49條失效後,夜間工作應如何規範尚未有定見,又目前修正預告方向是否得保障夜間工作者之勞動權益遂為重要議題,為瞭解我國勞工夜間工作之狀況、困難及所需協助,期能提出夜間工作法制相關建議,爰進行本項研究。
     Given the nullification of Article 49 of the Labor Standards Act, which prohibited night work for women, as declared by J. Y. Interpretation No.807 on August 20, 2021, citing a violation of constitutional principles of gender equality, there is currently a lack of consensus on how to regulate night work following the invalidation of this provision. The direction of the proposed amendments and whether they can effectively safeguard the labor rights of night workers are crucial issues.To comprehend the state of night work among laborers in Taiwan, including their challenges and assistance needs, this study aims to propose legislative recommendations for the regulation of night work.
    This research employs literature analysis to understand relevant regulations and past debates on night work in Taiwan. It compares international labor organization standards and regulations on night work in Germany and Japan with those in Taiwan. The study then focuses on interviews about night worker, aiming to understand the practical experiences of night workers in various industries, the challenges they face, the necessary assistance measures, and the overall impact of night work.
    The research findings indicate that: (1) The definition of night work in Taiwan is unclear, and there are differences in labor conditions, including working hours and shifts, compared to regular daytime work. (2) Workers engaging in night work often do so due to company requirements or for night shift allowances, yet regulations do not explicitly specify salary or vacation compensation. (3) There is no minimum guarantee for assistance measures in night work, affecting the personal safety of night workers. (4) The amended Labor Standards Act allows women in the breastfeeding period to engage in night work upon medical assessment and with the worker's consent. While this can address the employment needs of postpartum women, it is essential to strengthen safeguards to prevent them from being compelled to undertake night work. (5)The amendment to the Labor Standards Act removes the right of labor union or labor-management conference to consent to night work, which is feared to put more pressure on individual workers to refuse to work at night and diminish the the bargaining power of existing labor union in a business entity.
    Research recommendations include: (1)Clearly define night work and night workers, and establish explicit regulations for the labor conditions of night work. (2) Provide compensation or leave benefits for night work regulations. (3) Establish minimum standards for measures provided by employers of night work (such as free health checks or the right to transfer to daytime work) to ensure the safety of workers. (4) Offering financial and childcare assistance for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding aims to prevent pregnant or postpartum women from being obligated to undertake night shifts due to economic constraints (5) Increase the role of labor unions or labor-management conference in negotiating issues related to night work, and strengthen labor education and advocacy for relevant regulations on night work.
    參考文獻: 一、 期刊
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    五、 網路資料
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109262018
    資料類型: thesis
    顯示於類別:[勞工研究所] 學位論文


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