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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/155005

    Title: 新北市慈輝班學生師生關係、同儕關係與自我效能之紮根研究
    A Grounded Theory Study on Teacher-Student Relationships, Peer Relationships and Self-Efficacy in the Tsehuei Class of New Taipei City
    Authors: 朱品蓁
    Chu, Pin-Chen
    Contributors: 莊俊儒
    Ching, Gregory Siy
    Chu, Pin-Chen
    Keywords: 慈輝班
    Tsehuei Class
    Teacher-Student Relationships
    Peer Relationships
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:48:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以紮根理論為基礎,深入探討新北市慈輝班學生的師生關係、自我效能與同儕關係,並從學生的生活經驗出發,理解這些關鍵因素如何形塑慈輝班學生的學習適應與人際發展。
    This study, grounded in grounded theory, delves into the teacher-student relationships, self-efficacy, and peer relationships of students in the Tsehuei Class in New Taipei City. By exploring students' lived experiences, the study seeks to understand how these key factors shape their learning adaptation and interpersonal development.
    Using purposive sampling, the study selected four Tsehuei Class students for in-depth interviews. Data collected from the interviews underwent open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, ultimately identifying core themes.
    The findings indicate that teacher-student relationships in the Tsehuei Class exhibit a "high-impact, high-proximity" dynamic. Teachers provide continuous emotional support and individualized guidance, significantly enhancing students' self-efficacy and academic performance while fostering their interpersonal development. The study reveals that teachers' care and positive interactions significantly boost students' self-efficacy, helping them build stable learning motivation and confidence.
    On the other hand, peer relationships in the Tsehuei Class demonstrate a characteristic of "mutual dependence," evolving through a gradual process of establishment and deepening. These relationships play a pivotal role in emotional support, trust-building, and behavioral adjustment. Through residential management and diverse group activities, students gradually learn to adapt to collective living, addressing social challenges stemming from their family backgrounds and developing more positive interpersonal interaction patterns.
    Additionally, in terms of self-efficacy, the study finds that the interplay between teacher-student relationships and peer relationships jointly promotes students' learning motivation and adaptability, influencing their academic, self-regulatory, and social self-efficacy.
    The study emphasizes the educational significance of the Tsehuei Class in creating a supportive learning environment where students can grow steadily and achieve holistic development. It aims to provide practical insights for intermediary education, encouraging Tsehuei Class teachers and educational practitioners to focus on emotional connections and multi-faceted strategies for relationship building to better support high-risk students.
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