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Title: | 以動態能耐觀點探討半導體通路商T公司多角化投入太陽能產業之發展歷程 A case study of the T-company, material distributors in semiconductor industry diversify to the solar industry: Dynamic Capabilities Theory |
Authors: | 蔡立夫 |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng Shang 蔡立夫 |
Keywords: | 多角化 動態能耐 半導體通路商 太陽能產業 diversification dynamic capabilities distributors in semiconductor industry solar industry |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:51:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 節能與環保是當今世界各國共同要面對的課題,而解決此人類共同難題所孕育而生的太陽能綠色產業是未來世界的潮流與希望,世界各先進國無不大力推展。而台灣向來致力於高科技產業發展,對於這未來的科技趨勢與產業大餅,從半導體代工、液晶面板及系統模組製造的科技大廠紛紛積極相繼投入。而本研究以半導體通路商T公司為例,以一個營業額百億規模的中型企業,由半導體矽晶圓銷售,切入太陽能矽原料買賣市場,進而建立自有太陽能模組品牌,並在歐洲市場有成功的市場實績,探討個案企業如何成功轉型,並在太陽能產業的新市場中取得競爭優勢。茲提出以下討論問題:1. 半導體通路商跨足太陽能產業的多角化動機與策略思考為何?2. 半導體產業轉型(多角化)跨足至太陽能產業的動態能耐發展及成功因素為何?希望藉此了解企業的多角化策略思考以及如何運用或產生新的能力順利跨足新事業領域。 本研究經由相關文獻探討後,以動態能耐架構,「組織與管理程序」、「定位」、「發展路徑」三構面來分析研究個案企業多角化發展歷程,資源與能力的改變與新生。採用個案研究法深入訪談個案公司相關高階主管,以了解其多角化跨足太陽能產業的實務作為。由個案分析與研究發現得出研究結論如下: 結論一:企業轉型動機為提昇企業價值,實踐永續經營。為延續以往成功經驗,多角化轉型常選擇相關多角化經營策略。 結論二:在組織與管理程序方面,企業多角化歷程中,新事業多會延續原企業的制度與流程。在組織學習與人才培育上,新事業則會偏重外部資源。 結論三:在組織定位方面,相關多角化的發展初期,新事業運用現有資產,能夠快速獲得成功。但是公司的資產定位與優勢,會隨著產業狀況變化而改變。 結論四:在企業發展路徑方面,企業過去發展歷程中的經營策略調整的經驗對多角化經營的發展,有正面助益。 結論五:策略選擇會對企業本身動態能耐造成影響,當企業的經營形態改變,會使公司專屬資產地位的優/劣勢產生變化。 Nowadays, shortage of crude oil and global warming are major issues that every country in the world must to confront. To solve these problems, all advanced industrial countries are making a lot of efforts in researching and developing alternative energies, including solar energy, which is taken as one of the most effective and mature solutions at the moment.
High-tech industries have been well developed and prosperous in Taiwan during past decades. To take the trend of solar energy, many leading companies in semiconductor, LCD panel and computer system manufacturing industries are actively participating in solar industry.
This research is to take T-company, one of the major material distributors in semiconductor industry, as example to study how it succeeds in diversification and gets advantages in the new market of solar industry.
The major two subjects in this research are as below: 1. What are the motives and strategies for a semiconductor distributor to diversification in order to enter solar industry? 2. What are the success factors and dynamic capabilities needed when a company transforms or diversifies itself from semiconductor industry to solar industry?
Case-study method is applied in this research to analyze the actions taken by T-company. To track the diversification and the changes of resources/ capabilities in T-company, the analysis of dynamic capabilities are divided into three dimensions: “organization and managerial processes”, “positioning” and “path of growth”.
As a result, the conclusions of this research are as below: 1. The motives of business transformation/ diversification are to ensure the growth and sustainability of corporation. To continue the successful experience, transformation or diversification to related industry is often chosen.
2. In the transformation/ diversification, systems and processes of new business often follow the original ones. As to human resource and professional training, external resources are preferred.
3. Regarding organization positioning, in the initial stage of diversification, the new business has the advantages of using existing resources and reputation to speed up to success. However, the existence of advantages will depend on the industrial situation in the long run.
4. On the paths of enterprise growth, the experiences of strategy adjustment are positively helpful when the corporation goes diversification.
5. The choice of business strategies will influence the dynamic capabilities of a company. When the business model is changing, the advantages/ disadvantages of company exclusive assets will also change. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 96932096 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932096 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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