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    Title: 人文與社會科學期刊與圖書被引用分析
    Citation Analysis of Journal and Monograph in Humanity and Social Science
    Authors: 吳姵瑩
    Wu, Pei Ying
    Contributors: 蔡明月
    Tsay, Ming Yueh
    Wu, Pei Ying
    Keywords: 人文與社會科學
    Humanities and social sciences
    Literature Obsolescence
    Citation analysis
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 11:07:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人文與社會科學引用資料類型反映了人文社會科學研究者的資料使用行為,進而突顯其出版作品之資料類型的重要性。學術研究之發展會隨著時間的進展而發生變化,因此,本研究以2000年與2009年為主要研究範圍,以二個年代加以比較各學科引用資料類型之差異。探討各學科引用文獻之資料類型、各學科引用圖書與期刊之變化及其是否因期刊性質與年代不同而有差異。所以,本研究亦將探討各學科期刊引用文獻老化現象,並進一步以期刊性質與年代加以比較,期能幫助研究人員與專家學者對於人文社會科學領域使用資料之行為更加了解,並協助圖書館館藏發展與管理的工作。


    The Humanities and Social Sciences reference categories reflect the use of information of the researchers and highlight the importance of the publication categories. The development of academic research changes over time. Therefore, taking 2000 and 2009 as the major research areas, the study compares the difference between each discipline referring categories. The study also researches the references patterns of different disciplines, the change of referring monographs and journals in different disciplines, and whether they change the pattern due to the transformation and aging of these reference books and journals. Consequently, this study will also probe into the Literature Obsolescence in various references categories of different disciplines, and furthermore to compare the nature and years of journals, hoping to help researchers and experts in humanities and social sciences to understand the information research behavior better and to assist the Library collection development and management.

    The results are as follows: 1.The analysis of Citation and Reference in Humanities and Social Sciences (1)the humanities mostly refer to monograph, and the social sciences mostly journal; (2)Review journal is in a higher number of citations; (3) research and review journals of Humanities cites more monograph resources, and social science journals resources; (4)Reference materials of review and research Journals of Humanities in different generations are mainly monographs and periodicals; research journals if social sciences in different years more cites in monographs and periodicals, while review periodicals prefer to reference more monograph and electronic resources. 2. Humanities and Social Sciences Citation Literature Obsolescence reveals that (1)the cited monographs take longer for obsolescence, among which monographs in Humanities take more time; (2) the cited monographs in humanities has published from long time ago. Cited recent and past literature, citation literature of aging are less significant. (3) The half-life of the cited journal of each discipline in the humanities is up to 13-19 years. On the other hand, the half-life of Journal reference in social sciences disciplines are up to 7-19 years; (4) About the Literature Obsolescence of research journals, the humanities tend to the refer literatures in earlier years, from past 6 to 22 years, while the Social Sciences often cited published literature published from 6 to 11 years ago; (5) Review journals in the humanities tend to quote the reference materials of past 12 years for research, and social science scholars frequently cited literatures published from 8 to 10 years ago; (6) The study demonstrated the research and the review types of periodicals are not completely affect the academic literature aging.

    The results can be applied to planning an important type of journal, contributing to the libraries or related research units to assess if the humanities and social sciences collection sufficient to support. Furthermore, by the comparison of other areas in speed of aging, this study also can be a necessary measurement for the timeliness of procurement and for the periodicals binding. Meanwhile, the analysis can be applied to the behavior and characteristics of academic information requirement of humanities and social sciences scholars, in order to provide researchers a complete information services. From the speed of Literature Obsolescence, scholars can acknowledge the development of a subject. It can be used as the reference in humanities and social sciences collection planning.
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