本所成立的宗旨在培育理論與實務並重之圖書資訊學與檔案學之高級專業人才,並與其他相關學門領域融合,教學上與各大學合作跨校選課,有助於學生彈性化學習,瞭解圖書館、檔案館事業的發展,掌握多元化的資訊環境,培育數位資訊時代之高科技與人文關懷專才,進而邁入資訊服務的新境界。本所目前重要研究領域涵蓋:圖書資訊學、檔案學、數位圖書館、數位學習、資訊計量學、學術出版與傳播、資訊行為等。 The Instituted was established with the goals to develop libraries with equal weights on theory and practice, to foster superior professionals for the library information service and archives management organizations, and to promote fusion with other relevant disciplines. We also provides inter-university courses for students to facilitate flexible study in cooperation with other universities, to understand the development of the libraries and archives and dominate the multifaceted information environment in hopes of cultivating hi-tech professionals competent to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy era, and ultimately launching the information service to a new level. Presently, the major academic research of the Institute covers: Library and Information Science, Archival Science, Digital Library, Digital Learning and Informetrics, and academic publishing and spreading and so on.
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