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Title: | 原來不是每個人都想跟團! 探討人格特質如何影響知覺風險並進而牽制團購行為 The antecedents of risk perception on group buying behavior |
Authors: | 蔡衣宜 Tsai, I Yi |
Contributors: | 張卿卿 Chang, Ching Ching 蔡衣宜 Tsai, I Yi |
Keywords: | 人格特質 知覺風險 資源投入感知 團購 characters perceived risk risk perception input perception group buying |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:54:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據EOLembrain東方快線2011年11月份所進行的調查發現,雖然團購市場發展蓬勃,依然有高達44%的人沒有團購經驗。顯現出團購固然方便,還是有其風險所在,像是商品不如預期、等待時間過長、被盜用帳號等,使人們有所顧慮。過去針對團購的研究中,大多將知覺風險當成團購行為的前因,卻忽略知覺風險事實上也被不同因素所影響著。本研究提出一個中介模式來探討團購中知覺風險的前因(消費者性格特質、資源投入感知)與團購行為的關連性。研究結果發現,知覺風險低者,有團購經驗的可能性越高,而知覺風險又會中介信任特質、多疑特質、資源投入感知與團購行為的關係。信任特質高者其知覺風險低,故越可能有團購經驗,多疑特質高者其知覺風險低,故抑制其團購行為,而消費者因感知較大的資源投入,而有較大的知覺風險,因此也抑制了團購行為。 According to EOLembrain’s survey, 44% Taiwanese people don’t have group buying experience. It shows that people have different levels of perceived risk in terms of group buying owing to their different characters. Also, there are some worries behind the trend, such as product issue, long waiting time and account privacy issue.While past researches focus on how perceived risk affects consumption behavior, they ignore the fact that some factors also have influence on perceived risk. This study aims to understand how perceived risk is affected by different antecedents like personalities (adventurousness, trust, distrust and cautiousness) and perceived resources input. The study also proposes a mediation model to explore the relations between the antecedents, the risk perception and group buying experience. The result shows that people with higher level of trust have lower perceived risk and higher chance to attend group buying. On the contrary, people with higher level of distrust have higher perceived risk and lower chance to attend group buying. Furthermore, people with higher cautiousness also have lower chance to attend group buying. While adventurousness has no significant relevance to perceived risk and group buying experience, people with higher level of adventurousness will have higher frequency of group buying. |
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