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    题名: 古典修辭學及中古文學詮釋---「農夫皮爾斯」中的古典及基督教教育
    其它题名: Classical Rhetoric and Medieval Literary Interpretation: The Classical and Christian Education in Piers_Plowman
    作者: 林質心
    贡献者: 政治大學英國語文系
    关键词: 威廉.藍能(William Langland);農夫皮爾斯(Piers Plowman);古典修辭學(classical rhetoric);中古修辭學(medieval rhetoric);中古詩學(medievalpoetics);中古文學詮譯(medieval literary interpretation);救恩(Salvation);基督教教育(Christian education)
    日期: 2005
    上传时间: 2012-11-16
    摘要: 本計畫研究文本為威廉‧藍能(William Langland)的「農夫皮爾斯」(Piers Plowman)。主旨在探索其主角維爾(Will)在本書中間段落所受的教育如何反應基督徒對古典修辭學的疑慮,藍能如何根據基督徒的理念重塑古典修辭學、如何倚重某一方面並淡化另一方面。更重要的是要探究在藍能的筆下,重塑古典修辭學是否真能使得修辭學為維爾所用、使得維爾得以明瞭並得到救恩。探究重塑古典修辭學對藍能來說,到底是因自大而做的虛工?還是基督徒應付出的努力?簡言之、本計畫目的在瞭解「農夫皮爾斯」中,基督徒所重塑的古典修辭學和維爾的得救到底有什麼關係?本計畫將先研究比較自古典至中古時期的修辭學及詩學的演變。特別把重點放在文史家較忽略的一面—基督徒對古典修辭學的疑慮及因應之道。為求資料詳盡,計畫赴普林斯頓大學做短期研究,收集臺灣並網上無法尋得的早期資料。待資料分析整理完畢,就可進一步研究重塑古典修辭學和基督徒救恩間的關係。評論家多偏重研究「農夫皮爾斯」中對三藝的修正(the trivium),而不太研究基督徒所重塑的古典修辭學對維爾之影響。本計畫恰可彌補此缺憾。本計畫之研究結果計畫於「第四十一屆國際中古研究會議」(The 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo)發表,聽取諸國際學者意見後修改。盼完稿能於「藍能研究年鑑」(The Yearbook of Langland Studies)發表。
    This paper studies how William Langland modifies classical rhetoric to build a Christian poetics suitable for the understanding and spreading of salvational doctrine in Piers Plowman. The paper can be divided into three parts. First, it will explore how Langalnd adopts classical rhetorical topics passed down from Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, and Boethius, and learns from preachers like Origen, Augustine, Alan, and Auqinas about how classical rhetoric can be used as a tool for understanding and spreading salvation doctrine. Second, the paper will argue that Langland departs from Christian educators like Cassiodorus, Hugh of St. Victor, and Bonaventure in focusing more on the weakness and corrupted nature of the speaker and on the emotions of the speakers and the readers. Lastly, the paper will point out how Langland follows early medieval educators and preachers in adopting certain classical rhetorical figures—exemplum for example—as specifically suitable tools for the understanding and spreading salvation doctrine, as if the figures were endowed mysterious power.
    關聯: 基礎研究
    研究期間:9408~ 9507
    数据类型: report
    显示于类别:[英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫


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