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Title: | 非營利組織女性領導者在社區公共議程設定之角色與功能–以北投區社區發展協會為例 The Role and Functions of Non-Profit Organization Female Leaders in Community Agenda Setting - A Case Study of Beitou Community Development Association |
Authors: | 葉薏涵 |
Contributors: | 江明修 葉薏涵 |
Keywords: | 女性領導者 社區發展協會 社區組織 women leaders community development associations community organizations |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:34:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣自50年代起即開始從事社區發展工作,「社區」是一個地理區域概念或團體組織代名詞,任何社區公共議題或事務若無人帶領是無法自動完成的,而婦女是與社區關係最密切的人,隨著整個社會政經環境的改變、教育的普及、兩性平等觀念的推廣,女性愈來愈能夠走出家庭,進而擔任起社區組織的領導者。 本研究以北投區社區發展協會的女性領導者為研究對象,依據研究目的及研究問題,以社區發展及領導概念為理論基礎,以質性研究深度訪談的方式,配合文獻檢閱分析及相關網站搜尋,將研究資料分析彙整後,探討社區非營利組織女性領導者在社區公共議題的角色與功能為何?同時瞭解社區發展協會現今發展的概況。 最後,本研究提出8點結論分別為:1.女性領導者不特別具有性別意識。2.女性領導者對於性別意識的盲點。3.女性領導者較沒有自我懷疑的通病。4.女性領導者普遍具有一顆強心臟展現其溫柔霸氣。5.女性領導者關注與切身相關之議題。6.女性領導者在學習互動過程中發揮影響力。7.女性較主張漸進式調整轉變社區發展的模式。8.女性較能建構良好的社區網絡。另根據研究結論提出相關建議,作為社區女性領領導及政府部門未來實務運作及政策制定的參考。 Since the fifties, Taiwan has started developed communities. ‘Community’ is a concept of a geographic area or a pronoun of a group organization, no community public issues or affaires can be automatically completed without leaders, and women are the closest to communities. With the change of the entire societal, political and economic environment, the education popularized, and the promotion of gender equality, women have gradually walked out of domestic domains and further become leaders in community organizations. This study aims at women leaders in Beitou community development association as research subjects. Based on the research purpose and research questions, it uses community development and leadership as fundamental theory, qualitative in-depth interviews as research method in accordance with literature review and relevant website search. After synthesizing research data analysis, it discusses what roles and functions community NGO women leaders have and meanwhile understand generally the current condition/situation of community development associations. Finally, this study concludes with the eight points, which are: 1. Women leaders don’t particularly acquire gender awareness; 2. Women leaders have blind spots toward gender awareness; 3. Women leaders don’t relatively have the common fault to self doubt; 4. Women leaders generally have strong will to display their aggression tenderly; 5. Women leaders care of issues related to themselves; 6. Women leaders show influences in interactions in learning; 7. Women tend to advocate gradual modes to adjust and transform community development; 8. Women relatively build better community networks. This study also proposes relevant suggestions based on the research conclusions as a reference of practical implications and policy making for community women leaders and government sectors in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921069 102 |
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