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    Title: 國小學童閱讀理解策略運用之個案研究
    A Study of a Sixth Grader`s Manipulation of English Reading Strategies
    Authors: 延允怡
    Yan, Yeun Yi
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming Chung
    Yan, Yeun Yi
    Keywords: 閱讀策略
    reading strategies
    reading strategy instruction
    reading texts
    reading with peers
    individual reading
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:43:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本個案研究探討個案在閱讀不同文體及主題的文章時策略之運用;另一方面觀察他與同儕一起閱讀的情境中和個人閱讀的情況下策略使用的情形,同時討論英語能力、年齡和其閱讀策略運用的關係。文章體材包括故事、說明文和描寫文三類。觀察及分析的閱讀策略含總體性、問題解決性及支持性等。資料分析工具包括教師觀察及筆記、訪談及閱讀策略問卷,輔以自我效能問卷、標準測驗等。先前國內較少以國小學生為對象進行英語閱讀策略運用的個案研究,希望本研究結論可以提供學生自我成長和相關領域教學者在設計閱讀策略教學時的參考。
    關鍵字 : 閱讀策略、閱讀策略教學、文體素材、與同儕閱讀、個人閱讀
    The purposes of this research were to explore a young reader’s manipulation of reading strategies while reading different types/topics of texts and to determine the differences between his strategy use in a peer reading situation and that in an individual reading situation. How the student’s English proficiency and age influenced his strategy use is also discussed. Three categories of reading strategies were observed: global reading strategies, problem-solving strategies, and support strategies. Data were collected through the teacher’s observations and notes, interviews, the participant’s strategy questionnaires, and tests.
    The results revealed that the participant’s strategy use was related to his interests toward the reading text, his background knowledge, reading habits, learning tools, and reading situations. Global strategies were used the most often, while support strategies were used the least. The participant demonstrated a higher willingness to manipulate more strategies when he worked with someone of equal English ability; however, he was more of an autonomous reader and read faster in an individual reading situation. In addition, learning with technology highly motivated the participant to try out different strategies.
    For future studies, the involvement of diverse backgrounds and student personalities to increase the credibility of the results is recommended. It is also worth a try to give children the freedom to choose what they would like to read. Moreover, grouping can be more carefully designed to examine the optimal environment in which students’ strategy use can be exerted to the full.

    Keywords: reading strategies, reading strategy instruction, reading texts, reading with peers, individual reading
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