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    Title: 教師信念的形成:非正式學制英文老師的個案研究
    The Formation of Teacher`s Belief: A Case Study on English Teachers outside the Formal Educational System
    Authors: 全美禎
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin Chi
    Keywords: 教師信念
    teacher`s belief
    English teacher
    outside the formal educational system
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:43:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 讓孩子在正式學制外學習在台灣家長始終蔚為風潮。在台灣,雖然小學三年級才開始正式學習英文,許多孩子早在這個年紀之前就開始學習,或在這年紀之後,也會利用課後時間在非正式機構學習。本研究旨在了解台灣的兩位非正式教育機構英文教師的教師信念的形成。
    Having children learning outside the formal educational system for academic purposes has been a trend among Taiwanese parents. In Taiwan, although formal English instruction is provided from the third grade in formal schools, many children start to learn English before the age and learn English outside the school time at and after the age at informal education institutes. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of the formation of beliefs as teachers of two English teachers outside the formal educational system in Taiwan.
    This study adopted a qualitative case study method. The participants were two English teachers with rich experience of teaching students aged from 2 to 16 at various informal educational institutes. Data were collected through five semi-structure in-depth interviews with each of the participants. The collected information included each of the participant’s: (1) FL learning experiences, (2) beliefs as a FL learner, (3) English teaching experience, (4) teacher training, and (5) beliefs as an English teacher.
    The findings suggest that the two teachers’ beliefs as FL learners, teacher training, and teaching experience all contributed to the formation of their beliefs as English teachers. However, the teachers would make teaching decisions inconsistent with their beliefs as FL learners. The underlying reasons behind the inconsistencies were their perceived problems in teaching contexts and the contradiction between their beliefs as FL learners and as English teachers. In the informal educational institutes, the English teachers’ perceived problems which constrained the realization of their beliefs as FL learners were about: (1) students’ learning context, (2) curriculum, (3) school policy, (4) students’ conditions, and (5) parents’ expectation.
    Finally, these pedagogical implications and suggestions are served as a reference for educational policy makers, informal educational institutes, and parents.
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