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    Title: 影響表演藝術消費體驗之因素及評估準則
    Factors and Evaluating Criteria that Influence the Consuming Experience for Performing Arts
    Authors: 戴湘涒
    Tai, Hsiang-Chun
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Bei, Lien-Ti
    Tai, Hsiang-Chun
    Keywords: 體驗行銷
    Experiential Marketing
    Performing Arts
    Experiential Evaluation
    Consuming Experience
    Date: 2001
    Issue Date: 2016-04-15 16:12:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 表演藝術為富涵社會文化價值之資產之一,然由於國內的藝術消費量偏低、政府補助及企業贊助等收入來源的不確定,使得表演藝術團體面臨營運上的困境,為在藝術行銷的幫助下,藉體驗行銷的觀念與架構分析觀眾的消費行為,瞭解影響其表演藝術消費體驗的因素與評估準則,以達成藝術價值與商業市場間的平衡,真正改善表演團體的營運狀況。
    Performing arts is one of the cultural assets in the society. However, due to the low consumption in arts and uncertainties of subsidies from the government and corporations, performing arts groups are now facing obstacles in operation. By employing the framework of Experiential Marketing, the paper aims to analyze the consuming behavior of audiences in the respects of the factors that influence the performing arts experiences and the evaluating criteria. With the sound understanding on the target customers, the performing arts groups, thus, will be able to reach the balance of arts value and market revenue by the assistance of arts marketing.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001401
    Data Type: thesis
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