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    Items for Author "招靜琪"  

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    Showing 66 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 期刊論文 2018-01 CALL from an ecological perspective: How a teacher perceives affordance and fosters learner agency in a technology-mediated language classroom 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi; 劉倩; Liu, Qian
    [臺灣英語教學期刊 THCI] 期刊論文 2018-04 Towards A Cross-generational Understanding of EFL Learner Agency: A Multiple Case Study on Learners From Taiwan 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [臺灣英語教學期刊 THCI] 期刊論文 2011-09 Toast Master Club Experience as Affordance for Autonomous EFL Learners Chao, Chin-Chi; Chen, Yi-Ning
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2014 三個世代英語教育政策下的台灣英語學習者 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2013 超越移轉:電腦輔助英語教學師資課程中之知識連結 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2011 外語教育中自學社群之關鍵 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2010-08 解析外語自學:學生之抗拒、教師之定位、與校園自學社群之衝突問題 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2009 邁向外語自學社群---以活動理論探究三階段外語自學社群之關鍵 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2008 邁向外語自學社群---以活動理論探究三階段外語自學社群之關鍵 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2007 邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群---由Bakhtinian 觀點探究個人學習需求如何與團體利益對話 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2006 邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群:探究社群文化以及中介思考工具在專業發展之意義 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2004 尋找外語自學的新樂園之二:學習社群對外語自學之影響 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 國科會研究計畫 2003 尋找外語學習的新樂園:由語言學習環境之建構理念分析大學外語自學措施 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 學位論文 2019 整合技術的學科教學知識實踐之探討:語言教師的認知與科技運用研究 劉倩; Liu, Qian
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2010-09 The Path Less Taken: Insights in teaching creatively and teaching creativity with technology 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2007 New emphases of assessment in the language learning classroom 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2007 Toward an understanding of computer-mediated EFL writing experience through Vygotskian perspectives 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2007 Theory and research in language learning strategy 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2006 How WebQuests Send Technology to the Background: Scaffolding EFL Teacher Professional Development in CALL 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2003 Professional development on cloud nine: Online conferencing. 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 2001 Toward an understanding of sense of community and meaningful learning experiences in an on-line language education course. 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 1999 New emphases of assessment in the language learning classroom 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 專書/專書篇章 1999 Computer-enhanced language learning: Theory and Practices 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2013-11 Creative language learning projects with emerging digital media Chao, Chin Chi; 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 外語教學中所謂的「創新」:意義與實踐方向探討 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2008-07 外語教學中所謂的「創新」:意義與實踐方向探討 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2008-05 What has narrative inquiry done to us personally, academically and professionally? 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2008-05 一切就在轉念之間:話說社會文化學習理論如何影響數位時代EFL研究與實務的視野 (In the blink of an eye: How sociocultural perspectives have changed the way we look at research and practice in digital EFL learning) 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2008 Interactions within, between and across Communities: A Model for EFL Professional Development 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007-09 Learning to think and write qualitatively under the positivist culture of research: experience of a teacher study group in Taiwan 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007-09 “It’s too local to be interesting”: Learning to be more daring to write from peripheries 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007-07 ACTFL外語能力標準中之社群思維:如何在教學及測驗方面實踐? 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007 ACTFL 外語能力標準中之社群思維: 如何在教學及測驗方面實踐? 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007 "It`s too local to be interesting": Learning to be more daring to write from peripheries 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007 網路社群新趨勢對外語教學之啟示及挑戰 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2007 Learning to educate and educating to learn across cultures 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2005 Collaborative Inquiry as a Model for EFL Professional Development: Focusing on the community building 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2005 Collaborative Inquiry as a Model for EFL Professional Development: developing process of profesional learning 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2004-02 What pushes girls away from the computer? -- Understanding gender inequity in children`s computer use 招靜琪; 駱藝瑄
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2004 Autonomous Foreign Language Learning in Taiwan: Activity Typology and Analysis 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2004 Collaborative Inquiry: Beliefs, Assumption, and Knowledge of EFL Teacher Educators 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2000 Three community-building strategies in an online teacher eduaction course and their impacts: A case study 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2000 Text-based virtual reality 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 2000 Three community building strategies and their impacts in an on-line course. 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 1999-11 Strategies for building a Web-based community of learners 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 1999-03 Great CALL activities for every classroom: Time & feedback 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 1999 Negotiating for support as the learning community develops in a teacher education course: A case study 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 會議論文 1998-03 Designing Interest activities for teachers: DOs and DON`Ts. 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2023-11 Academic literacy socialization through reading transformations across similar but distinctly different contexts: A longitudinal case study of a Chinese multilingual scholar 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi; Song, Beibei
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2022-10 Being a YouTuber that language learners recognize: A study on constructing language teacher identities in social media community of practice 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2022-08 Revisiting CALL normalization through a Yin–Yang ecological perspective: A study on teacher intentionality and classroom technology use of a claimed reluctant user 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi; Liu, Qian
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2020-12 YouTube華語教學背後的奧妙:解析開放式網路教學之教師實務理論化與身份認同建構 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi; 方瑾; Jin, Fang
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2020-06 YouTube華語教學背後的奧妙:後教學法如何揭示開放式網路教學之宏觀與微觀策略 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi; 方瑾; Jin, Fang
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2018-03 CALL from an ecological perspective: How a teacher perceives affordance and fosters learner agency in a technology-mediated language classroom Liu, Qian; 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2016-09 Experiencing Cross-cultural Communication in Taiwan: A Qualitative Case Study on Three Learners of Chinese from the West 白玉琪; 招靜琪; Peh, Giok-Kee; Chao, Chin-Chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2015-02 Rethinking transfer: Learning from call teacher education as consequential transition Chao, Chinchi; 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2011-08 Toast Master Club Experience as Affordance for Autonomous EFL Learners 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2011-02 Poststructural feminist pedagogy in English instruction of vocational-and-technical education Wang, Ya-huei; Chao, C.; Liao, Hung-Chang; 招靜琪; 王雅惠
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2009-09 由八位大專院校英語老師的經驗初探創新與創意教學的象限 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-Chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2007-08 在理論與實務之間拔河的英語教學碩士在職專班 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2005-04 尋找英語學習的新樂園:英語自學措施分類與分析 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2004-04 WebQuest在英語教學上的運用:中學教師學習歷程之分析 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2003-03 建構新世紀語言學習環境:東吳大學外語自學室的理念架構 招靜琪
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2003 建構新世紀語言學習環境:東吳大學外語自學室的理念架構  招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 期刊論文 2001 The Internet Learning Forum: Developing a community prototype for teachers of the 21st century 招靜琪; Chao, Chin-chi
    [英國語文學系] 校務發展計畫 2012-04 文法與寫作與聽力訓練線上英文課程增修初步計畫 招靜琪; 許麗媛

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