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Title: | 融入知識翻新教學對國小學童閱讀理解和閱讀動機之影響 Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation |
Authors: | 黃姿瑋 |
Contributors: | 洪煌堯 黃姿瑋 |
Keywords: | 閱讀理解 閱讀動機 知識翻新教學 reading comprehension reading motivation knowledge building |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:17:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討融入知識翻新(knowledge building)教學能否提升國小學生的閱讀理解和閱讀動機。研究對象為新北市某國小兩班三年級學生:其中一班為實驗組(n=24人),另一班則為控制組(n=27)。前者採用知識翻新原則進行教學,並輔以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)線上學習平台;後者則採傳統講述教學。實驗時間共計18週。 本研究的研究目的在瞭解經過二種不同教學方式後,兩組學生的閱讀動機和閱讀理解表現是否具有差異。資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)平台討論貼文內容;(3)平台參與活動量(包括貼文數、回文數等量化資料);及(4)閱讀動機量表前後測分數。資料分析採質性內容分析、單因子共變數分析、相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定等方式。除探討二種教學之不同外,本研究並進一步探討實驗組學生在平台上的活動情形。 研究結果顯示:(1)基於知識翻新教學的平台討論活動,有助於提升學生高層次閱讀理解想法的討論,但討論內容缺乏深度;(2)知識翻新教學有助於提升學生閱讀理解能力;(3)學生參與閱讀理解討論之程度和品質皆與閱讀理解進步程度有正相關;(4)知識翻新教學對於學生閱讀動機並無顯著提升,但其閱讀動機提升程度與平台活動的參與程度具有正相關。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續閱讀教學及研究之參考。 The aim of the study was to investigate whether engaging students in a computer supported collaborative knowledge building environment can help them improve their reading comprehension and reading motivation. Participants in this study were 51 third-grade students from two classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City. Of the two classes, the experimental class has 24 students, and the control class has 27 students. The students taking part in the experimental course received knowledge building pedagogy with Knowledge Forum (an online multimedia platform) being used for students to collaboratively construct their reading comprehension of the textbook articles online. The duration of the study was 18 weeks. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the instructional effects between the two classes in terms of the reading comprehension and motivation. Data mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) test that investigated students’ reading comprehension; (2) the idea and discussion content contributed to Knowledge Forum; (3) participants’ interaction records automatically documented in the Knowledge Forum data (e.g., number of students’ notes contributed or built on); and (4) the pre-post MRQ (i.e., the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire) scores that measured students’ reading motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative data analyses were conducted. For quantitative data, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square were used to examine students’ reading comprehension and reading motivation; for qualitative data, content analysis was used to evaluate the quality of students’ ideas and discussion. The main findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy were conducive to promoting the kind of online discussion that supports higher-level reading comprehension, but were unable to deepen the depth of discussion; (2) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing reading comprehension; (3) both the degree of participation and the quality of discussion were found correlated with the degree of students’ advancement in reading comprehension; and (4) knowledge building pedagogy did not enhance students’ reading motivation; however, there was a correlation between pre-post change scores in reading motivation and the degree of online participation. Based on the results, some suggestions and implications were discussed. |
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