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    Title: 利他主義、學校組織氣氛與教師領導之相關研究-以臺北市公立國民小學為例
    The Relationship among Altruism, School Organizational Climate and Teacher Leadership: Evidence from Public Elementary Schools in Taipei City
    Authors: 許育程
    Hsu, Yu-Cheng
    Contributors: 詹志禹
    Hsu, Yu-Cheng
    Keywords: 利他主義
    School organizational climate
    Teacher leadership
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-06-02 11:33:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要
    This study aimed to (1) investigate the current situations and (2) the relationship among altruism, school organizational climate, teacher leadership in public elementary schools in Taipei city. A questionnaire survey was conducted on teachers of public elementary schools in Taipei city. 470 teachers selected from 47 Public Elementary Schools in Taipei City were given the questionnaire. There are 396 effective respondents .The valid rate of returned questionnaires is 84.26%. The instrument is the questionnaire entitled “Altruism, School Organizational Climate and Teacher Leadership”. Data are analyzed by (1) descriptive statistics, (2) independent samples t-test, (3) one-way ANOVA, (4) Pearson`s product-moment correlation, (5) simple regression, and (6) multiple stepwise regression analysis.
    The conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. Teachers of public elementary schools in Taipei City perceive a high level of altruism, an open school organizational climate, and a medium to high level of teacher leadership.
    2. Teachers of public elementary schools in Taipei City generally have altruism.
    3. Teachers who teach in medium-sized schools and take leadership roles in public elementary schools in Taipei City perceive that the school organization climate tends to be open.
    4. Teachers in elementary primary schools in Taipei City who are male, senior, have a leadership role, and perceive an open school organizational climate have Higher willingness and more opportunities to practice teacher leadership.
    5. Teachers who uphold altruism demonstrate the influence of teacher leadership, either directly or by promoting openness in the school`s organizational climate.
    According to the conclusions, some suggestions are provided as references for department of education, elementary schools, teachers and future studies.
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