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    题名: 學生學業情緒與學習投入關聯性之後設分析與MASEM方法驗證
    Meta-analysis of correlations between academic emotions and student engagement with the validation by MASEM methods
    作者: 黎佩欣
    Li, Pei-Hsin
    贡献者: 余民寧
    Yu, Min-Ning
    Li, Pei-Hsin
    关键词: 學業情緒
    academic emotions
    student engagement
    meta-analytic structural equation modeling
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-09-01 16:15:29 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究的目的在利用後設分析和後設分析取向的結構方程式模型(MASEM),探究不同學生學業情緒與學習投入之關聯性。本研究依據目的,以後設分析之研究流程訂定檢索策略,以及納入、排除條件後,蒐集符合本研究旨趣之國內外期刊及國內碩博士論文,最後根據納入與排除條件篩選出50篇文獻,共53個研究進行後續分析。本研究首先以後設分析探討各學業情緒與多向度學習投入之相關性,進而以結構方程式模型探討學業情緒(愉悅、焦慮、無聊)透過情緒投入影響行為投入與認知投入的直接與間接效果,本研究的結果如下:
    Given the increasing interest in understanding student academic emotions in recent years, this study explored relationships between student academic emotions and student engagement by utilizing meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM). In total, 50 articles (53 studies) met the inclusion criteria of this study, which consists of two parts. First, using meta-analysis, the study investigated the relationship between various academic emotions and student engagement. Secondly, based on the findings of the meta-analysis, this study used MASEM to investigate the mediating role of emotional engagement between three academic emotions (enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom) and two engagement dimensions (behavioral and cognitive). Results showed that: (1) Enjoyment and pride were positively correlated with all student engagement dimensions. Anger, anxiety, boredom, and hopelessness were negatively correlated with all student engagement dimensions. Notably, the mean effect sizes of boredom and hopelessness were slightly higher than those of anger and anxiety. (2) Research years, participants’ country, and gender were shown to be the moderators of enjoyment and behavioral engagement. The learning subject and participants’ country were moderators between anxiety and behavioral engagement. The research year and education stage were moderators between boredom and behavioral engagement, and the participants’ country and emotion types were the moderator between boredom and cognitive engagement. (3) MASEM showed that emotional engagement partly mediated the effect of enjoyment on behavioral and cognitive engagement. It fully mediates the effect of boredom on cognitive engagement and the effect of anger on behavioral and cognitive engagement. Based on the findings and discussions, the study concludes with an overall summary and provides considerations for schools and teachers as well as future research.
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