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    显示项目76-100 / 5374. (共215页)
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    2023-04 Self-construals predict personal life satisfaction with different strengths across societal contexts differing in national wealth and religious heritage 孫蒨如; Sun, Chien-Ru; Ángel, Sánchez-Rodríguez; Vivian, L. Vignoles …
    2023-04 Unpackaging the link between economic inequality and self-construal 孫蒨如; Sun, Chien-Ru; Ángel, Sánchez-Rodríguez; Ayse, K. Uskul …
    2023-04 Nonlinear photoconductivities and quantum geometry of chiral multifold fermions 許琇娟; Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan; You, Jhih-Shih; Ahn, Junyeong; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2023-04 Kidney Health and Care: Current Status, Challenges, and Developments 陸行; 陳政輝; Luh, Hsing; Lin, Ming-Yen; Chiu, Yi-Wen; Lin, Yu-Hsuan; Kang, Yihuang; Wu, Ping-Hsun; Chen, Jeng-Huei; Hwang, Shang-Jyh
    2023-03 Inflammatory Milieu Induces Mitochondrial Alterations and Neuronal Activations in Hypothalamic POMC Neurons in a Time-Dependent Manner 陳紹寬; Chen, Shau-Kwaun; Liao, Yi-Chun; Lim, Yeou San; Chu, Pei-Wen
    2023-03 Brain plasticity of structural connectivity networks and topological properties in baseball players with different levels of expertise 顏乃欣; 蔡尚岳; Yen, Nai-Shing; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Chen, Yin-Hua; Chang, Chih-Yen
    2023-03 願景領導促進部屬改變導向行為的驅力與隱憂:希望的中介效果與工作不安全感的調節式中介效果 林姿葶; 王克誠; Lin, Tzu-ting; Wang, Ko-cheng
    2023-03 Long-term work quality of patients with mild traumatic brain injury: The associations with postconcussion symptoms 楊啟正; Yang, Chi-Cheng; Lai, Wen-Hsuan; Hsu, Huan-Hsuan; Yu, Hsiu-Ting; Xiao, Sheng-Huang; Tsai, Yi-Hsin; Wang, Kuo-Chuan; Huang, Sheng-Jean; Lin, Chih-Peng
    2023-03 Interoceptive sensibility differentiates the predictive pattern of emotional reactivity on depression 顏乃欣; Yen, Nai-Shing; Huang, Yun-Hsin; Huang, Yu-Ting
    2023-03 Spin current and internal Zeeman field in spin-orbit coupled rings 許琇娟; Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan; Chen, Tsung-Wei
    2023-03 COVID-19疫情下的兒童青少年熱線的建置與成效評估 許文耀; 曾嫦嫦; 湯素琴; 黃文怡; 劉于涵; 姚幼玲; 趙慧璇; 林楷潔; Hsu, Wen Yau; Tseng, Chang-chang; Tang, Su-chin; Huang, Wen-yi; Liu, Yu-han; Yao, Yu-lin; Zhao, Hui-xuan; Lin, Kai-chieh
    2023-03 The interplay of the GABAA receptor polymorphisms and excitatory? Inhibitory brain metabolite levels linked to autism spectrum conditions (ASC) 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh
    2023-02 The impact of perceived organizational care on employee engagement: A moderated mediation model of psychological capital and managing boundaries 郭建志; Kuo, Chien-chih; Cheng, Sheng; Chen, Huai-Chieh; Lin, Mei-Chi
    2023-02 The range of asymmetric branching random walk 洪芷漪; Hong, Jyy-I; Chi, Jui-Lin
    2023-02 Introduction to a Culturally Sensitive Measure of Well-being: Combining Life Satisfaction and Interdependent Happiness Across 49 Different Cultures 孫蒨如; Sun, Chien-Ru; Krys, Kuba … and others
    2023-02 Mathematical analysis of topological and random m-order spread models 洪芷漪; 班榮超; Hong, Jyy-I; Ban, Jung-Chao; Wu, Yu-Liang
    2023-02 Taiwan National Suicide Prevention Hotline callers’ suicide risk level and emotional disturbance difference during and before COVID-19 許文耀; 楊立行; Hsu, Wen-Yau; Lee, Jou-I.; Huang, Chin-Lan; Chang, Shu-Sen; Shaw, Fortune Fu-Tsung; Yu, Hsiu-Ting; Yang, Lee-Xieng
    2023-02 Mean-field behavior of Nearest-Neighbor Oriented Percolation on the BCC Lattice Above 8 + 1 Dimensions 陳隆奇; Chen, Lung-Chi; Handa, Satoshi; Kamijima, Yoshinori
    2023-01 Commutativity of entropy for nonautonomous systems on trees 班榮超; Ban, Jung-Chao; Huang, Nai-Zhu
    2023-01 Accelerating Item Factor Analysis on GPU with Python Package xifa 黃柏僩; Huang, Po-Hsien
    2023-01 Neural correlates of understanding emotional words in late childhood 姜忠信; Chiang, Chung-Hsin; Yeh, Pei-Wen; Lee, Chia-Ying; Cheng, Ying-Ying
    2023-01 Large deviation principle of nonconventional ergodic averages 班榮超; Ban, Jung-Chao; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lai, Guan-Yu
    2023 具時間延遲之耦合反應擴散神經網路的有界性與絕對穩定性 何明霖; Ho, Min-Lin
    2023 吃虧欲人知:人際互動中主動吃虧的重要條件 馬依妍; Ma, Yi-Yan
    2023 更正訊息的因果關係強度與工作記憶廣度對假訊息持續影響效果之影響 江晉諺; Chiang, Chin-Yen

    显示项目76-100 / 5374. (共215页)
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