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    顯示項目1-50 / 261. (共6頁)
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    2023-07 Enhancing the ability of creative problem-solving through an intervention of mindful learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Wang, Chih Min; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chang, Sheng-Ling
    2023-07 Mindful learning moderates changes in critical-thinking mindsets during critical-thinking learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Wang, Chih Min; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Chang, Sheng-Ling; Lin, Wu Chien
    2023-07 Moderations of growth mindsets on the enhancement of critical-thinking dispositions 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Wang, Chih Min; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Chang, Sheng-Ling; Lin, Wu Chien
    2023-07 The relationship between mindful learning and professional development of critical-thinking instruction among preservice teachers 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Wang, Chih Min; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Chang, Sheng-Ling; Ting, Yu-Shan
    2023-07 Enhancing college students’ growth mindset in Python Programming 葉玉珠
    2023-07 The influence of mindful-learning on SDGs problem solving 葉玉珠
    2023-06 Influences of self-construal on the enhancement of critical-thinking ability during blended learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Chang, Sheng-Ling
    2023-06 Using creativity dispositions and growth mindsets to predict self-efficacy of creativity 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Chang, Sheng-Ling; Wang, Chih Min
    2022-11 白水老人韓雨霖生命史與「儒家收圓」思想初探 陳幼慧
    2022-10 Integrating making thinking visible strategies to improve creativity through blended learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Peng, Yueh-Yin; Chang, Sheng-Ling; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chiang, Jui-Ling
    2022-08 Self-Cultivation and Spiritual Leadership of I-Kuan Tao Daozhang - Han Yu Lin 陳幼慧; Chen, Yu-hui
    2022-07 Making creative thinking visible: An approach to enhance preservice teachers’ professional knowledge in creativity instruction 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu
    2022-07 Self-efficacy in creative thinking development: an investigation from an online asynchronous training 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu
    2022-06 Promoting college students’ creativity through a non-academic online asynchronous self-paced program 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu
    2021-11 An analysis of secondary school teachers’ resilience difficulties 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Lee, Jo-Yu; Wang, Zhi-Wen
    2021-11 The relationship of teacher well-being, resilience, and mindfulness: using mindfulness as a mediator 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Ting, Yu-Shan
    2021-10 中學教師面臨108課綱教育改革之壓力來源分析 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; 王志文; 丁毓珊
    2021-10 中學教師教學正念與幸福感、復原力量表發展暨現況分析 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; 江瑞鈴; 丁毓珊
    2021-10 中學教師壓力量表發展暨個人背景變項對新課綱實施前後壓力變化之效果 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; 丁毓珊; 江瑞鈴; 李佩蓉; 陳禹齊; 傅如馨
    2021-07 An investigation of pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance and use intention between the U.S. and Taiwan 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Chiang, Jui-Ling; Reeves, Todd
    2021-07 Preservice teachers’ resilience, Stress, and Technology Efficacy Under the COVID-19 Influences: A Case Study in Taiwan 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Chiang, Jui-Ling
    2021-07 教育哲學視角之素養導向教學與評量 陳幼慧
    2021-03 Cultural differences in creativity mindset, passion towards smartphone use, and well-being 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Chien, Li-Jung; Sun, Hua-Chun; Ting, Yu-Shan
    2021-03 The effects of smartphone-based interventions on changes of creativity mindset, passion toward smartphones, and Self-efficacy of creativity 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Peng, Yueh-Yin; Chiang, Jui-Ling
    2020-10 The neural plasticity of creativity learning: An intervention of mindful learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-08 New Teaching and Learning Paradigm Shift in the Digital World 陳幼慧; Chen, Yu-hui
    2020-07 Can the intervention of SCAMPER bring about changes of neural activation while taking creativity tasks? 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-06 Enhancing creativity through computer-based mindfulness interventions of aesthetic experience 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-06 The influences of creativity mindset on self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Ting, Yu-Shan
    2020-02 Implementing mindful learning intervention to enhance creativity 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-02 The influence of self-determination on mastery experience in a creativity game-based learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-01 素養導向的教學與評量 陳幼慧; Chen, Yu-hui
    2020-01 The effect of smartphone-based mindfulness intervention on passion in smartphone use and creativity mindset 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Chang, Chih-Yen; Ting, Yu-Shan; Hsu, WeiChin
    2020-01 The mediation effect of hope belief on mindful learning in game-based creativity learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chang, Jui-Yen
    2019-07 The “need” and the “experience” of self-determination: Their effects on mastery experience in a creativity game-based learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y.*; Sai, N. P.; Chuang, C. H.
    2019-07 The interaction effects of achievement goals and emotions on insight-problem solving 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y.*; Wu, H.; Huang, F.
    2019-07 Exploring mediators of mindful learning experience and mastery experience during creativity game-based learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2019-06 The Theory and Practice of Moral and Spiritual Leadership: A Case Study of Elder Han Yu Lin. 陳幼慧; chen, yu-hui
    2018-03 Validation of the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire for Taiwanese College Students (TSSRQ) 陳揚學; Chen, Yang-Hsueh; Lin, Yu-Ju
    2018-03 The dynamic connectivity of neural networks in value-based creativity 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y.*; Hsu, W. C.; Rega, E.
    2018-03 The mediation effect of mindful learning during creativity game-based learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y.*; Chang, H. L.; Lin, C. S.; Chen, S. Y.
    2014-02 環境營造與政大書院教育的推動 陳木金; 溫子欣; 邱馨儀
    2013-12-21 修復百年紅樓再現日新風華 胡彥君; 陳木金; 邱馨儀
    2013-12-14 以學定教的校長教學領導模式 陳木金; 邱馨儀; 張維倩; 林惠煌
    2013-10 反思學習法在領導人才培訓的應用 陳木金;吳佩陵
    2013-06-01 學校效能評鑑的新觀點:組織有機化影響程度之研究 陳木金; 蔡文杰
    2012-12-08 雲端未來學校在校園規劃的應用:以屏東縣公館國小為例 徐崧瑋; 陳木金
    2012-12 應用資料探勘於創造力學習系統 林俊甫; 葉玉珠
    2012-11 校長的教學視導能力指標之建構 陳木金;邱馨儀; Chen, Mu-Jin; Chou, Shin-Yi
    2012-07-20 優質學校行政管理新取向的核心技術探討 陳木金

    顯示項目1-50 / 261. (共6頁)
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