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    顯示項目51-75 / 605. (共25頁)
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    2020-08 融入成長心向的數位創造力遊戲導向學習對提升城鄉地區學童創造力心向與創造力的效果(2/2) 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu
    2020-08 從學生核心能力報告出發看個案大學核心課程與書院教育之學習成效 藍美華; 陳幼慧; 刘基全; Lan, Mei-hua
    2020-07 Can the intervention of SCAMPER bring about changes of neural activation while taking creativity tasks? 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-07 數位科技導向的正念學習介入對提升創造力之效果:神經可塑性之探究(2/2) 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu
    2020-06 The interactive effects of associative response priming and personality traits on insight problem solving over time 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Li, Pei-Hsin; Lin, Chung-Wei
    2020-06 Enhancing creativity through computer-based mindfulness interventions of aesthetic experience 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-06 The influences of creativity mindset on self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Ting, Yu-Shan
    2020-04 Differentiating between the “Need” for and the “Experience” of Self-determination Regarding Their Influence on Pupils’ Learning of Creativity through Story-based Digital Games(http 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Sai, Ngoc Phung; Chuang, Chia-Hua
    2020-02 A Blended Design of Game-based Learning for Motivation, Knowledge Sharing, and Critical Thinking Enhancement 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Chang, Wei-Lun
    2020-02 Implementing mindful learning intervention to enhance creativity 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-02 The influence of self-determination on mastery experience in a creativity game-based learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu
    2020-01 素養導向的教學與評量 陳幼慧; Chen, Yu-hui
    2020-01 The effect of smartphone-based mindfulness intervention on passion in smartphone use and creativity mindset 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Chang, Chih-Yen; Ting, Yu-Shan; Hsu, WeiChin
    2020-01 The mediation effect of hope belief on mindful learning in game-based creativity learning 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Ting, Yu-Shan; Chang, Jui-Yen
    2020 數位科技與教學新典範:以學習者為中心在教育議題專的實驗之成果報告 陳幼慧; Chen, yu-hui
    2020 任務導向實務教學運用於西語翻譯課程之學習成效研究:「千面英雄」翻譯旅途之多元學習成效&產出 古孟玄; Ku, Menghsuan
    2019-12 The dynamic relationship of brain networks across time windows during product-based creative thinking 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-Chu; Hsu, W. C.; Rega, E. M.
    2019-11 The predictive power of life experiences and expertise on differentiating various types of aesthetic experiences in mundane arts 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y*; Peng, Y. Y.
    2019-10 Enhancing creativity through aesthetics-integrated computer-based training: The effectiveness of a FACE approach and exploration of moderators 葉玉珠; Yeh, Y.*; Rega, E. M.; Chen, S. Y.
    2019-10 The dynamic relationship of brain networks across time windows during product-based creative thinking 葉玉珠; Yeh, Yu-chu; Hsu, Wei Chin; Rega, Elisa Marie
    2019-09 實踐管理會計學用合一之創新教學研究:以作業價值管理(AVM)為核心高等管理會計、策略成本管理-個案實作(一) 吳安妮; Wu, Anne; 張朝清; 郭翠菱; 林靜香; 黃政仁; 劉俊儒; 劉惠玲
    2019-09 「教育哲學」的跨域共振教學實踐研究 陳幼慧; Chen, yu-hui
    2019-09 大學教育之英語寫作提倡與應用 張瀞文; Chang, Vicky
    2019-08 用於程式設計教學整合之創新評量生態系統 林怡伶; Lin, Yi‐ling
    2019-08 閱聽人培力的深度習作:媒體素養小翻轉計畫 劉慧雯; Liu, Hui-Wen

    顯示項目51-75 / 605. (共25頁)
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